It's the damn tea party that's **** things over - Boehner's plan actually had a chance to pass the Senate and offered real cuts; Reid's is full of budget gimmicks - it counts the scheduled wind down of Afgh/Iraq, and needing less money, as a "cut in spending".
After the tea party started whining, with that Balanced Budget Amendment, it'll NEVER pass the Senate, much less Obama's veto - the tea party **** themselves over on this one because they pushed too hard on the wrong damn issue. Reid's plan is the only one that can pass the Senate since that BB amendment was nothing but a poison pill
The time to push for huge cuts was during an election, or after they got the WH - NOT when they're in the minority, and Obama's gonna demagogue any proposals as pushing granny off a cliff, or eating babies
Nope just let the beast shut down (that's gonna bring on some real reduction).....few days of that *** the dems will do anything for a minor debt cieling hike. Boehner folded up like a god damn paper tiger. It's all the same bullshit smoke and mirrors more debt and more of the same "we'll deal with the debt.....December! yeah yeah December sounds good" Horse *** conservatives my ass.
Nope just let the beast shut down (that's gonna bring on some real reduction).....few days of that *** the dems will do anything for a minor debt cieling hike. Boehner folded up like a god damn paper tiger. It's all the same bullshit smoke and mirrors more debt and more of the same "we'll deal with the debt.....December! yeah yeah December sounds good" Horse *** conservatives my ass.
Nope - the Gov't shuts down, and Time Geithner will order the Treasury to stop mailing out disability/medicare/SS checks and blame it all on the Repubs - Boehner and the Repubs will take all the blame when the media comes out with stories of granny breaking her hip and being unable to pay for an operation, stories of little Timmy not getting an organ transplant, stories of little Susan visiting Yellowstone only to be turned around at the gate, ruining her vacation - and all because the heartless Republicans wouldn't agree to Sen. Reids $2.7 trill (phantom) "cuts". You know how it'll be spun, and Obama will be laughing all the way to 2012.
The fact is, the Republicans are in the minority - they can't do anything unless they make it palatable to Senate Dems. The Boehner plan at least had real cuts, unlike Reids plan full of phantom cuts (eg - the wars in Afghan/Iraq are winding down and aren't gonna need the level of funding they're currently getting - Reid's plan counts this wind down as a "cut", even though the troop draw down is going to require less funding regardless of budget)
It's the damn tea party that's **** things over - Boehner's plan actually had a chance to pass the Senate and offered real cuts; Reid's is full of budget gimmicks - it counts the scheduled wind down of Afgh/Iraq, and needing less money, as a "cut in spending".
After the tea party started whining, with that Balanced Budget Amendment, it'll NEVER pass the Senate, much less Obama's veto - the tea party **** themselves over on this one because they pushed too hard on the wrong damn issue. Reid's plan is the only one that can pass the Senate since that BB amendment was nothing but a poison pill
The time to push for huge cuts was during an election, or after they got the WH - NOT when they're in the minority, and Obama's gonna demagogue any proposals as pushing granny off a cliff, or eating babies
Not to get involved here but this statement begs a question. If the right time to push for these spending cuts is when the Repubs. have the the Wh or during an election... why did they actually raise this same debt ceiling 8 times under George bush and 18 times under Ronald Reagan? I know that the debt has risen since then, but were they ever really consevatives given what they did when in power compared to what they demand when in opposition? Not much credibilty to push for change, when it is basically their own spending that caused a large part of the problem. Why wasn't this an election issue. I never heard anyone here or anywhere else really talking about this then.
Nope just let the beast shut down (that's gonna bring on some real reduction).....few days of that *** the dems will do anything for a minor debt cieling hike. Boehner folded up like a god damn paper tiger. It's all the same bullshit smoke and mirrors more debt and more of the same "we'll deal with the debt.....December! yeah yeah December sounds good" Horse *** conservatives my ass.
Nope - the Gov't shuts down, and Time Geithner will order the Treasury to stop mailing out disability/medicare/SS checks and blame it all on the Repubs - Boehner and the Repubs will take all the blame when the media comes out with stories of granny breaking her hip and being unable to pay for an operation, stories of little Timmy not getting an organ transplant, stories of little Susan visiting Yellowstone only to be turned around at the gate, ruining her vacation - and all because the heartless Republicans wouldn't agree to Sen. Reids $2.7 trill (phantom) "cuts". You know how it'll be spun, and Obama will be laughing all the way to 2012.
The fact is, the Republicans are in the minority - they can't do anything unless they make it palatable to Senate Dems. The Boehner plan at least had real cuts, unlike Reids plan full of phantom cuts (eg - the wars in Afghan/Iraq are winding down and aren't gonna need the level of funding they're currently getting - Reid's plan counts this wind down as a "cut", even though the troop draw down is going to require less funding regardless of budget)
The republicans are going to be vilified in the media no matter what, you know that. The repubs could blame back just the same, that the dems wouldn't go for actual spending cuts. Nope just the same song and dance of the conservatives. "We'll reign in this out of hand spending and shrink the beast" blahblahblah bullshit the whole lot of it. All the while they wouldn't have any talks of defense spendiing.
Doesn't matter who's in power we're headed to a cradle to grave system. Repubs will do it the name of security, Libtards will do it in the name of general wellfare of man kind. The tea party is a glimmer of hope that will probably fail due to fear mongering.
It's the damn tea party that's **** things over - Boehner's plan actually had a chance to pass the Senate and offered real cuts; Reid's is full of budget gimmicks - it counts the scheduled wind down of Afgh/Iraq, and needing less money, as a "cut in spending".
After the tea party started whining, with that Balanced Budget Amendment, it'll NEVER pass the Senate, much less Obama's veto - the tea party **** themselves over on this one because they pushed too hard on the wrong damn issue. Reid's plan is the only one that can pass the Senate since that BB amendment was nothing but a poison pill
The time to push for huge cuts was during an election, or after they got the WH - NOT when they're in the minority, and Obama's gonna demagogue any proposals as pushing granny off a cliff, or eating babies
Not to get involved here but this statement begs a question. If the right time to push for these spending cuts is when the Repubs. have the the Wh or during an election... why did they actually raise this same debt ceiling 8 times under George bush and 18 times under Ronald Reagan? I know that the debt has risen since then, but were they ever really consevatives given what they did when in power compared to what they demand when in opposition? Not much credibilty to push for change, when it is basically their own spending that caused a large part of the problem. Why wasn't this an election issue. I never heard anyone here or anywhere else really talking about this then.
Laker it's only ok to sink the country into a deep dark pit of debt when you're spreading democracy to countrys that want no part of it! Excellent points Laker but you scare the big government republicans with this kind of truth.
I know that many tea partiers and conservatives are livid that there is no balanced budget amendment in the deal and that some -- or most -- of the so-called spending cuts are actually reductions in future spending increases. Well take heart that for the first time in decades there was actually a true battle over raising the debt ceiling, and the tea parties -- the people behind less government, lower spending and lower taxes-- won the skirmish. But know this: To make real progress turning around the disastrous direction were traveling the Democrats are going to have to be turned out of power in the Senate as well as the house. When those who appreciate fiscal discipline and a personal responsibility control the house and have 60 votes in the Senate, and when Obama is back organizing on the streets of Chicago, then we can make some real progress in extending the life expectancy of this country.
It's the damn tea party that's **** things over - Boehner's plan actually had a chance to pass the Senate and offered real cuts; Reid's is full of budget gimmicks - it counts the scheduled wind down of Afgh/Iraq, and needing less money, as a "cut in spending".
After the tea party started whining, with that Balanced Budget Amendment, it'll NEVER pass the Senate, much less Obama's veto - the tea party **** themselves over on this one because they pushed too hard on the wrong damn issue. Reid's plan is the only one that can pass the Senate since that BB amendment was nothing but a poison pill
The time to push for huge cuts was during an election, or after they got the WH - NOT when they're in the minority, and Obama's gonna demagogue any proposals as pushing granny off a cliff, or eating babies
Do, Do, Do.......Do I actually agree with the majority (I DIDNT SAY ALL) of something said by Macro????? Im getting the gun;)
Luckily, there was also Laker's post which also rings very true in my ears. Between the two of you----not much for me to say I guess other than its a plan agreed on by everyone (I know not the case) and liked by no one-----What else should we expect from Washington?
I'm glad Krieg made me want to vote Republicans are only jumping on this fiscal responsibility bandwagon now that its popular sentiment across the country. Like Laker said, what about all the previous votes to raise the debt ceiling under republican WH & leadership? Oh wait that is never spoken of, or it was only out of necessity. Its just a new talking point for them. Whew, I'm never voting Democrat again cause I was told we will have true fiscal responsibility when the EVIL DEMOCRATS are all gone!
Ur only a few minutes away (maybe a few hours) from jargon, skewed numbers, and twisted facts as to why the Repubs never REALLY lacked resposnibility and when they MAY have, they were driven to it by the left and left leaning media/
It's the damn tea party that's **** things over - Boehner's plan actually had a chance to pass the Senate and offered real cuts; Reid's is full of budget gimmicks - it counts the scheduled wind down of Afgh/Iraq, and needing less money, as a "cut in spending".
After the tea party started whining, with that Balanced Budget Amendment, it'll NEVER pass the Senate, much less Obama's veto - the tea party **** themselves over on this one because they pushed too hard on the wrong damn issue. Reid's plan is the only one that can pass the Senate since that BB amendment was nothing but a poison pill
The time to push for huge cuts was during an election, or after they got the WH - NOT when they're in the minority, and Obama's gonna demagogue any proposals as pushing granny off a cliff, or eating babies
Not to get involved here but this statement begs a question. If the right time to push for these spending cuts is when the Repubs. have the the Wh or during an election... why did they actually raise this same debt ceiling 8 times under George bush and 18 times under Ronald Reagan? I know that the debt has risen since then, but were they ever really consevatives given what they did when in power compared to what they demand when in opposition? Not much credibilty to push for change, when it is basically their own spending that caused a large part of the problem. Why wasn't this an election issue. I never heard anyone here or anywhere else really talking about this then.
To answer your question, the Repubs screwed up big time back then - they had the power and never pushed through reforms or did anything about the budget; Bush blewout the budget in his last few years. In short - the had the chance, and did what they're accusing Dems of doing
After the tea party elections, a slate of freshman got in who were elected by the tea party, who were gung-ho about spending cuts - I like these guys, but I think this is the wrong time and wrong issue to push on. The tea party folks who are pushing Boehner now are the guys who were needed back in 2004-2008, not now
Obama and the Dems control the levers of power; nothing gets thru unless they agree to it - now's not the time to push drastic reform. I'd prefer the tea party hold it's fire until the election, hopefully sweep the Senate and WH, THEN hold the GOP's feet to the fire on spending cuts and such - when they can actually do something about it, when their filibuster won't cause the US to default on it's credit rating, when they're the ones in power.
But to get back to your post - the Republicans lost a LOT of credibility during the Bush years, but Obama's had such a blow-out on spending, that even the Repubs look good by comparison - it took Bush 8 yrs to raise the debt by $2 trill; it took Obama 2 yrs.
Honestly, I don't think the GOP establishment has changed at all since Bush, but the tea party caucus is so raucous (rhyme unintended) that they're forcing the establishment, against its wishes, to get back to fiscal restraint. The Old Guard still wants spending, but not as much as the Dems - the tea party are the only ones who want to cut drastically, but like I said, they're pushing hard on the wrong issue at the wrong time.
Do, Do, Do.......Do I actually agree with the majority (I DIDNT SAY ALL) of something said by Macro????? Im getting the gun;)
*cough* two things: 1) I made that post when I was rather tipsy; minus the swearing, I still stand by the theme of it - the tea party's pushing too hard on the wrong issue 2) If you're gonna go with a gun, better do it proper with a model 1911a - this year's the 100th anniversary of John Moses Browning's genius design, after all
After the tea party started whining, with that Balanced Budget Amendment, it'll NEVER pass the Senate, much less Obama's veto - the tea party **** themselves over on this one because they pushed too hard on the wrong damn issue. Reid's plan is the only one that can pass the Senate since that BB amendment was nothing but a poison pill
The time to push for huge cuts was during an election, or after they got the WH - NOT when they're in the minority, and Obama's gonna demagogue any proposals as pushing granny off a cliff, or eating babies
The fact is, the Republicans are in the minority - they can't do anything unless they make it palatable to Senate Dems. The Boehner plan at least had real cuts, unlike Reids plan full of phantom cuts (eg - the wars in Afghan/Iraq are winding down and aren't gonna need the level of funding they're currently getting - Reid's plan counts this wind down as a "cut", even though the troop draw down is going to require less funding regardless of budget)
Doesn't matter who's in power we're headed to a cradle to grave system. Repubs will do it the name of security, Libtards will do it in the name of general wellfare of man kind. The tea party is a glimmer of hope that will probably fail due to fear mongering.
"Long ashes my friends."
The first 2 are just to show you what a liar boehner is.
The third one is just so you can see the **** lackeys behind Boehner they look like bobble heads.
After the tea party elections, a slate of freshman got in who were elected by the tea party, who were gung-ho about spending cuts - I like these guys, but I think this is the wrong time and wrong issue to push on. The tea party folks who are pushing Boehner now are the guys who were needed back in 2004-2008, not now
Obama and the Dems control the levers of power; nothing gets thru unless they agree to it - now's not the time to push drastic reform. I'd prefer the tea party hold it's fire until the election, hopefully sweep the Senate and WH, THEN hold the GOP's feet to the fire on spending cuts and such - when they can actually do something about it, when their filibuster won't cause the US to default on it's credit rating, when they're the ones in power.
But to get back to your post - the Republicans lost a LOT of credibility during the Bush years, but Obama's had such a blow-out on spending, that even the Repubs look good by comparison - it took Bush 8 yrs to raise the debt by $2 trill; it took Obama 2 yrs.
Honestly, I don't think the GOP establishment has changed at all since Bush, but the tea party caucus is so raucous (rhyme unintended) that they're forcing the establishment, against its wishes, to get back to fiscal restraint. The Old Guard still wants spending, but not as much as the Dems - the tea party are the only ones who want to cut drastically, but like I said, they're pushing hard on the wrong issue at the wrong time.
*cough* two things: 1) I made that post when I was rather tipsy; minus the swearing, I still stand by the theme of it - the tea party's pushing too hard on the wrong issue
2) If you're gonna go with a gun, better do it proper with a model 1911a - this year's the 100th anniversary of John Moses Browning's genius design, after all