woot!! Payraise!

Good news, total surprise pay raise today! My whole team is getting bumped up a paygrade to do the work of our managers bugging HR.
The downside.. (or upside... depends on how you look at it..)... it exactly covers my new, higher Car Insurance rates after getting my new car. And slightly more down, the Insurance rate will go up more once they figure in my car accident... so ill be a bit behind the 8 ball.
But, its a higher base pay, for future pay increase percentages to be based off.
The downside.. (or upside... depends on how you look at it..)... it exactly covers my new, higher Car Insurance rates after getting my new car. And slightly more down, the Insurance rate will go up more once they figure in my car accident... so ill be a bit behind the 8 ball.
But, its a higher base pay, for future pay increase percentages to be based off.

Smoke something good!
Too bad I'm stuck doing a "summer placement" between semmesters.....they could give me a 200% raise and I'd still be working for free!!!!!! Ok, now I'm depressed, lol.