
I'm sitting here going through some overdo emails and checking out the threads on the forums while eating a bowl of oatmeal when this huge bug that looks like a cockroach on steroids walk across the desk right in front of me. I watch him nonchalantly skitter to the other side; look at my oatmeal, look at him, look at my oatmeal, stir it around a bit to see if I notice any spindly legs bigger than they should be, shrug my shoulders and continue eating making sure I don't look to closely at the oatmeal again.
Customer brought in Computer, Tech opens it up, Roaches galore (100-200) Spill out... Whole retail store is infected, Tech plastic wraps computer, refuses to fix it, Customer THEN is pissed we won't touch PC.... Roaches everywhere for the next 3 months with bi-weekly ORKIN visits... Gross
Side Note... NEVER step on a Roach... They carry EGGS on their back, and if you squish them, they get on your shoes, so if you squish Roach in your hotel, you could bring them back in your house with your shoes....
Did the customer relies that his computer had become a roach motel?
Another time, we were in the landlord's car going somewhere and I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a bug walking around on his shoulder - and it was big! I reached over and swatted it without mashing it up but killing it. I don't know what it was, but it looked exactly like a housefly except that it was about 2 inches long!
You mean the one that looked like a housefly? Sure didn't look like a roach to me.
Can't say I've ever used one on a roach that big though! In Texas everything is bigger except the roaches I guess, lol...
Living in FL, have only seen a few roaches (knock on wood, right?), but they disappear before I'm able to kill them - like one minute they're just sitting in the middle of my room, I leave for 2 sec to get a newspaper, and they're gone, never to be seen again. Seems they know my apt better than I do
The "Puss Moth"? I've heard it called a lot of things but never a moth. Oh, I see. We're talking about a bug. Sorry, my bad.