I did actually enjoy it very much! I just leave out the subjectiveness from the review. Some will love it others will not, same with every stick.
The dye was pretty bad, but it was also about 95% humidity out there. It was dripping down the stick at points.
I did actually enjoy it very much! I just leave out the subjectiveness from the review. Some will love it others will not, same with every stick.
The dye was pretty bad, but it was also about 95% humidity out there. It was dripping down the stick at points.
Thanks for the review, I'm not sure I understand why a Habano wrapper would be dyed?? The only cigars Ive ever heard of being dyed are Maduro's and or Oscuro's. Maybe Im not as up on the manufacturing as I should be.
I did actually enjoy it very much! I just leave out the subjectiveness from the review. Some will love it others will not, same with every stick.
The dye was pretty bad, but it was also about 95% humidity out there. It was dripping down the stick at points.
Thanks for the review, I'm not sure I understand why a Habano wrapper would be dyed?? The only cigars Ive ever heard of being dyed are Maduro's and or Oscuro's. Maybe Im not as up on the manufacturing as I should be. So if its not a dye then what is it?
Interesting note about the dye. I've smoked no less than 40 of these and have not noticed dye on fingers or lips. Not doubting you, just throwing my experience out there.
Interesting note about the dye. I've smoked no less than 40 of these and have not noticed dye on fingers or lips. Not doubting you, just throwing my experience out there.
I dont doubt it either just dont understand why, Unless is an oil that the wrapper was soaked in.
IMO, don't think these are dyed. I've smoked a ton of these and never had that problem. But hey...I've been wrong before so who knows. Still doesn't change the fact this is a spicy little ***.
dye? seriously? I'm not trying to stir up any **** but I call bullsh1t on this one. I'll do my best to verify but why the hell would anyone dye a non-maduro wrapper.
I've smoked quite a few of these as well, had one tonight as a matter of fact and never once saw anything that could possibly resemble dye. Its humid as hell here too.
No way these are dyed. Between friends and I we have smoked over a hundred of these. Never, ever an issue other than us hoping they would last longer or we had a hundred more.
dye? seriously? I'm not trying to stir up any **** but I call bullsh1t on this one. I'll do my best to verify but why the hell would anyone dye a non-maduro wrapper.
I've smoked quite a few of these as well, had one tonight as a matter of fact and never once saw anything that could possibly resemble dye. Its humid as hell here too.
+1 While I'm not a huge fan of this stick I am a fan of most things AJ and he provides a hell of a smoke at a decent price. I have smoked most of his stuff in mass quantities and I can't off hand think of one construction issue let alone some shady RP type ***.
I'm pretty sure that AJ doesn't dye his sticks. That and there's really no point in dying a cigar that's not a maduro. If it's very humid outside, though, it could be tar or oils from the wrapper.
I recall reading about the use of, for lack of a more meaningful term, liquid/substance being sprayed on the leaves to enhance fermentation. I seriously doubt any dye was used.
Size does not mean anything specific to smoke time, it's all in the blend and roll. I smoke them as fast as they need to be and as slow as possible to get the most cool smoke and flavors.
If it wasn't dye I don't know what it was, but it was obviously there and sure looked like it. Watch the video in HD full screen, it's very clear. You can see it on my lips, fingers and shirt from when I dabbed my face off camera.
I'm sure the extreme humidity played a large factor, as I would doubt any of you smoke in these conditions. I was pouring with sweat just sitting out there for filming by the time I was done. I'm sure whatever it was doesn't come off in better conditions from what I'm hearing back.
Not that this is the case with this cigar as I have yet to try one, but I can attest to cigars rubbing off or sweating due to the heat/humidity. Last night I was smoking and there it was on my fingers. I could only attribute to the juices of the tobacco similar to how chewing tobacco turns your spit brown. We have 100% humidity and 100% weather and that will cook anything.
Now back on topic . . . Interesting discussion on the dye. AJ seems pretty legit, almost like a "smoke it if oyu like it not if you don't" kind of mentality, and I respect that. So I'd assume that he wouldn't dye anything. But what do I know?
I would be curiuos to know what cigars are dyed and what makers absolutely refuse to dye their cigars. I know I probably won't get a list because it would hurt sales of those makers who use, and I respect that sort of info being held pretty close to the hip. But I thought that dying cigars was a thing of the past during the 90s cigar boom, but it seems to be in the forum chatter more and more. Is this process it coming back? Did it never leave? Is everyone just speculating and hating on RP because he's an easy target? How can I get some more info on this? Should I even care? What does everyone think?
Not that this is the case with this cigar as I have yet to try one, but I can attest to cigars rubbing off or sweating due to the heat/humidity. Last night I was smoking and there it was on my fingers. I could only attribute to the juices of the tobacco similar to how chewing tobacco turns your spit brown. We have 100% humidity and 100% weather and that will cook anything.
I could never live in a place with 100% weather. It would be too much.
I'm reversing my conclusion that this is a dyed cigar, based on a test I just performed with another stick. I'll post a video soon about it. But the bottom line is, I think every cigar even light connecticuts will freely leach a lot of 'color' given high humidity, supported by my tests.
Now what is this color? You got me, I'm not a biologist. All I know is on some sticks, under certain conditions, it gets messy! lol
I wouldn't be surprised if it was tar leeching through the wrapper. I've gotten tar on my fingers and lips that had to have come through the wrapper as there was no tar buildup at the cut.
Not that this is the case with this cigar as I have yet to try one, but I can attest to cigars rubbing off or sweating due to the heat/humidity. Last night I was smoking and there it was on my fingers. I could only attribute to the juices of the tobacco similar to how chewing tobacco turns your spit brown. We have 100% humidity and 100% weather and that will cook anything.
I could never live in a place with 100% weather. It would be too much.
I use'd to love chewing on some beechnut or redman...When I was in highschool I saw a guy drink another guys spitcup, It was on a dare, what I remember, it was for a couple hundred bucks.. Yea he ralphed afterwards..
Not that this is the case with this cigar as I have yet to try one, but I can attest to cigars rubbing off or sweating due to the heat/humidity. Last night I was smoking and there it was on my fingers. I could only attribute to the juices of the tobacco similar to how chewing tobacco turns your spit brown. We have 100% humidity and 100% weather and that will cook anything.
I could never live in a place with 100% weather. It would be too much.
Move to Florida, funny though 100% weather would be interesting. 100 degree weather not so much.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
I've smoked quite a few of these as well, had one tonight as a matter of fact and never once saw anything that could possibly resemble dye. Its humid as hell here too.
Now back on topic . . . Interesting discussion on the dye. AJ seems pretty legit, almost like a "smoke it if oyu like it not if you don't" kind of mentality, and I respect that. So I'd assume that he wouldn't dye anything. But what do I know?
I would be curiuos to know what cigars are dyed and what makers absolutely refuse to dye their cigars. I know I probably won't get a list because it would hurt sales of those makers who use, and I respect that sort of info being held pretty close to the hip. But I thought that dying cigars was a thing of the past during the 90s cigar boom, but it seems to be in the forum chatter more and more. Is this process it coming back? Did it never leave? Is everyone just speculating and hating on RP because he's an easy target? How can I get some more info on this? Should I even care? What does everyone think?
Move to Florida, funny though 100% weather would be interesting. 100 degree weather not so much.