Cross Fit?

Any of you guys do crossfit? I have done P90X a few times, and now just lift at home and train for marathons. I was looking at CF endurance and wondered if anyone has any info. It's about $75 a month to join the local box. I wondered if I should just buy the stuff I need to do the WOD as I go and try it at home.
I use a mini-tramp and free weights (home gym) - basically do a set of weights (bench, pull-ups, curls, whatever) and as soon as I'm done (8-12 reps depending on the weight/exercise) - I'm back on the mini-tramp for 60 seconds, high speed run in place, or speed j-jacks.
Then another set of weights, and immediately back on the mini-tramp for 60 seconds, etc.
The whole workout takes 30 minutes - I get in about 20 to 24 sets of weight work, and 4 sets of 50 crunches.
Works for me, but I'm an old guy now, the days of 2 hour workouts are LONG gone - I'm over that - no time, no energy - would rather chill and smoke a stick!
But, this is a tough workout believe it or not - you just can't lift heavy (no recovery time in between sets, and your cardio is pumping pretty good) - but I'm over heavy lifting too!!