My son was born

So our first baby was born Aug 12th at 1339. Baby and mother are doing great.
His name is Indiana Winters Davey (or Dr Jones). Winters is for *** Winters of WW2 fame (watch band of brothers for a little info on this guy).
6lbs 13 and 21.5 inchs.
He is amazing and I am not ashamed to say I cried when I watch him come into this world. Then laughed as he pissed all over the doc.
His name is Indiana Winters Davey (or Dr Jones). Winters is for *** Winters of WW2 fame (watch band of brothers for a little info on this guy).
6lbs 13 and 21.5 inchs.
He is amazing and I am not ashamed to say I cried when I watch him come into this world. Then laughed as he pissed all over the doc.
Seriously though, excellent news man and thanks for sharing it with us!
"Any cigar smoker is friend, because I know how he feels." Alfred de Musset
"A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you." Unknown
“A pipe is to the troubled soul what caresses of a mother are for her suffering child.” Indian Proverb
"Long ashes my friends."
Congrats!...pretty skinny baby tho! I was 23" and 10lbs 11oz(a monster)
An emergency C-Section had to be performed on Olivia Stansmith when her baby had tied off the umbilical chord so as to not receive any more nutrients and to not gain more "Baby Fat"
Michael Ian Stansmith was born underweight at 7:34am on Tuesday, Mother and baby are doing fine, but little Michael is still refusing the bottle until he is back to his 2nd trimester weight."
A damn shame......