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Fragments of 9/11 pics

Took all I had to not start crying like a lil girl while looking through these......



  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    Took all I had to not start crying like a lil girl while looking through these......


    Wow thats powerful stuff.
    I can still remember every single detail, every emotion, every prayer I said that day.

    God save us.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Took all I had to not start crying like a lil girl while looking through these......


    Wow thats powerful stuff.
    I can still remember every single detail, every emotion, every prayer I said that day.

    God save us.
    Me too man. I was in American History class sitting in the library at school and hearing about it. Then walked into my ROTC classroom for my next class as everybody was still confused and they had it on their TV. First words out of my mouth was F*uckin Osama Bin Laden. Things like this make me regret getting out of the military.....
  • ltherronltherron Posts: 60
    Sitting in American history class as well. Another teacher walked in during the lecture and whispered something to the teacher, he turned on the tv, watched it for about 10 sec, turned around and said “I think this will be an appropriate lesson for today, those towers will be on the cover of next year’s text books” went to his desk and didn’t say a word for the rest of the class
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yup I can remember it like it was yesterday was watching it on the today show after the 2nd plane hit the tower my wife asked me what the chances of 2 planes hitting them, I told her it was impossible we were being attacked. When she asked what I thought was going to happen I told her there was no choice we were going to war with somebody. Then it dawned on me what the date was.
  • PsychoSJGPsychoSJG Posts: 766 ✭✭✭
    I remember it all like yesterday. First hit was around the end of first period in math. No one had a clue about anything. 2nd period came and I went to Earth Science lab. I looked out the window to see a gorgeous clear sky, except what looked like clouds being made from something in the distance. It was weird, just a long tail of what looked like a white cloud since it was puffy in the farther away from its origin. Someone came into the room and whispered something to the teach and his face changed, and just stopped teaching. He went to the window and looked toward manhattan. No one would tell us what was going on, but we were in lock-down. I kept watching that weird cloud thing, and then saw a plane go toward it, and continued until it dropped below the tree line, and then LOTS of smoke. Right there I knew something really bad happened, but didnt know what. Kinda looked like a bomb was dropped. Right then Mr Walz said "Start paying attention to the news, because all of your lives just changed." On the way home, I saw the always busy Long Island Expressway completely empty of civilian cars, and a convoy of emergency and construction vehicles speeding toward manhattan on Both sides of the hwy. I can't see the towers from home anymore, and sometimes that still shocks me. And people can say all the bad *** they want about NYer's, but I was damn proud about how we took care of each other for the months after. Thank you to all over our military brothers for taking care of us.
  • e6specialke6specialk Posts: 216
    On Saturday, I'll be riding to New York with the Americas 911 Ride to honor all of the victims of that horrible day. Please take a moment and check out their website at www.americas911ride.org, it is a total non-profit organization with all money raised going to first responders. Never Forget.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    I remember it all like yesterday. First hit was around the end of first period in math. No one had a clue about anything. 2nd period came and I went to Earth Science lab. I looked out the window to see a gorgeous clear sky, except what looked like clouds being made from something in the distance. It was weird, just a long tail of what looked like a white cloud since it was puffy in the farther away from its origin. Someone came into the room and whispered something to the teach and his face changed, and just stopped teaching. He went to the window and looked toward manhattan. No one would tell us what was going on, but we were in lock-down. I kept watching that weird cloud thing, and then saw a plane go toward it, and continued until it dropped below the tree line, and then LOTS of smoke. Right there I knew something really bad happened, but didnt know what. Kinda looked like a bomb was dropped. Right then Mr Walz said "Start paying attention to the news, because all of your lives just changed." On the way home, I saw the always busy Long Island Expressway completely empty of civilian cars, and a convoy of emergency and construction vehicles speeding toward manhattan on Both sides of the hwy. I can't see the towers from home anymore, and sometimes that still shocks me. And people can say all the bad *** they want about NYer's, but I was damn proud about how we took care of each other for the months after. Thank you to all over our military brothers for taking care of us.
    Brother I'm sorry you had to be there for that. Awesome story. Not gonna lie I cried reading this.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    While American were being burned to death and we as a nation were seeing one of the biggest attacks on our country... our president who ignored countless reports from not only our agencies but the UK read a children's book to a class, but that wasn't the really bad part, the bad part was after he was told the first tower was hit, HE KEPT READING!!! image

    So ..... there ya have it. And what do we have because of this, well many more dead than who died on that day. Thank you GOP and spineless democrats.
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    You're right Eli and I appologize.

    Thank you to the heroes of 9/11
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Can we please keep politics out of here? This is a memorial thread more than anything guys. While I respect both of you and your opinions can we just please not have the politics crap in this one. Please...
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    You're right Eli and I appologize.

    Thank you to the heroes of 9/11
    No reason to apologize Wes it's all good. Well except for calling me Eli. That'll get you blown up if you're not careful ;)
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    Oh Eli and your silly threats ;p
    Seriously though I am sorry I knew I shouldn't but I let my temper get the best of me

    Now back to the topic at hand: I was at work that day and it was a slow day so we were in the shop getting our trucks cleaned up and ready for the next day when one of the secretaries came out and told us what was going on. We turned on the radio and listened intently. I just remember how angry I was. Over the next few days, as some of you will remember, there were quite a few stories of muslims being shot and killed. When I would hear these stories it made me feel better almost like we'd won some vengance. Then I heard a story about a hotel owner executed in the same way leaving behind his family (wasn't even muslim) at that point I realized all the hate and senseless killing was not helping anything, and no matter what you think of them an american is just that an american.

    Personally for me 9/11 was a character building time, I think alot of us learned something about respect for human life during that time. I still hate the fact of all the americans we've lost on and after 9/11.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Posts: 1,426
    I was two weeks away from graduating Advanced Individual Training for Air Defense Artillery. It was 'Leg Workout Tuesday'. We ran for what felt like forever, went back to the barracks and showered. Got ready for the day of class ahead and went to chow.

    I was in the Bamford DFAC, the building I've eaten most of my meals in for the last two weeks, eating an omelet. I was watching the news, and I saw something on the TV about a building burning in NY. No big deal. Then I remember the second plane coming into the frame, didn't think anything of it till I saw it come blowing through the building. That was the first time ever the DFAC was completely silent. It stayed that way for about 5 min. Then all of the sudden there were thirty Drill Sergeants standing in the DFAC telling us 'It was a terrorist attack and you need to go pack your $hit soldiers because you are going to war!' We went back to the barracks and packed our bags and sat there until lunch. Ft. Bliss used to be the home of ADA so there were vehicles rolling out to every corner of the country from here then. I'll never forget the feeling of relief I had when we got to unpack our gear. Only to leave about a year and a half later to end up in the thick of it... a couple times. I'll never forget the feelings of that day the sadness of loosing that many civilians to such a cowardly attack, the fear of going to war.

    I will never forget the men I went to combat with who don't have the luxury to be upset because of the red tape keeping them away from their families, that won't get to see their kids grow up or graduate.

    I went to 26 memorial services in a year and a half, that's enough for a lifetime. The next one I go to will be mine.

  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    I went to 26 memorial services in a year and a half.

    Never forgotten brother! I've been to quite a few and every time it sucks more and more
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