Balls Joke

A man met a nice young woman and after a short courtship they began having sex. After they had sex she would rub his balls for quite some time. At first he did not mind and just allowed her to do so without saying too much. However after they'd had sex a number of times and she continued to rub his balls for quite some time afterwards he decided he was going to ask her why she did this.
The next time they had sex she immediately went to rubbing his balls afterwards. He worked up the nerve after a few moments and said, "Its not that I mind at all but I'm just curious. Why is that you rub my balls for so long after sex?"
To which she replied, "Oh I hope it didn't bother you. You could have said something earlier. Its just that I really miss mine."
The next time they had sex she immediately went to rubbing his balls afterwards. He worked up the nerve after a few moments and said, "Its not that I mind at all but I'm just curious. Why is that you rub my balls for so long after sex?"
To which she replied, "Oh I hope it didn't bother you. You could have said something earlier. Its just that I really miss mine."
LMFAAO. I can hardly see the keyboard thru the tears...
Wheres Doodie and Urbi ? Anonynimity? LOL
Well...I guess we've been tolded, or is that tolled?
Hey wadda ya mean no more drunk posting? You are still stranded there for the day aren't you ?
What else are you going to do for the day but drink, smoke cigars and talk to us. You weren't thinking of doing some work or anything like that were you?
BTW, my interpretation of Urbi's comment were that he liked to go down and talk cleverly to the fairer sex's fairer parts !
I could be wrong and I will wait for and defer to Urbi's explanation of these comments.
Hey Urbi... pick your head up and "splain" yourself will ya ?
Are fashioned with considerable care
And what at first appears to be a simple little cavity
Is really an elaborate affair.
Now, surgeons who have studied these afeminine phenomena
By numerous experiments on dames
Have taken all the items of the feminine abdomena
And given them delightful little names.
There's the vulva, the ****, and the good old paranigna
And the hymen -- that is sometimes found in brides.
There's a lot of little gadgets. You would love them if you knew them
The ****, and Lord knows what besides!
What a pity it is, then, when we common people chatter
Of those mysteries to which I have referred
We use for such a delicate, and complicated matter
Such a very short, and unattractive word.
Now the erudite authorities who study the geography
Of that obscure but entertaining land
Are able to indulge a taste for intricate topography,
And view those tasty details close at hand.
But ordinary people, though aware of their existence
And complexities beyond the public know,
Are normally contented to view them from a distance
And to treat them, roughly speaking, as a show.
When, therefore, all us laymen probe the secrets of virginity
The language that we use is somewhat blunt
And we don't becloud the issue with meticulous Latinity,
But call the whole concern a simple four-letter-word.
For men have made this useful and intelligent commodity
The topic of a baudy joke and jibe.
Yet, though the name they call it is somewhat of an oddity,
It seems to fit the subject they describe.
Nice signature line, btw.