Blue Label, B2 Goat Rocket

I just smoked a churchill in an hour! I never thought I might have a chance at hyperventilating while smoking a cigar!! I guess that's nothing more than an expression since you're not inhaling the smoke but I had to drag at this thing at such a rate that it went from 7 inches to 2 inches in exactly 60 minutes! ...and that includes the fact that it went out three times!
Anybody else had a better experience with the Blue Label line?
"Hailing from the hallowed halls where Gran Habano and Blue Label - among others - call home, B2 is a gem thats ripe for the taking." (
That's a pretty cushy description of a goat farm! I've read that people say (on this forum) that Gran Habano is one of the most underrated makers in the cigar industry but I'm not convinced. I had to touch this stick up after every two or three puffs and although it had decent flavor I just couldn't get past the smoking performance - or lack thereof.
Looking for feedback!? Did I get a dud??
Anybody else had a better experience with the Blue Label line?
"Hailing from the hallowed halls where Gran Habano and Blue Label - among others - call home, B2 is a gem thats ripe for the taking." (
That's a pretty cushy description of a goat farm! I've read that people say (on this forum) that Gran Habano is one of the most underrated makers in the cigar industry but I'm not convinced. I had to touch this stick up after every two or three puffs and although it had decent flavor I just couldn't get past the smoking performance - or lack thereof.
Looking for feedback!? Did I get a dud??
the BL is a good med body stick IMO, and interesting enough for me to keep on deck regularly. It's not as good as the GHV2002 to me, and it's the same price... but I think it's still a solid cigar for $2.
just keep in mind that your smoking a $1 cigar... so even if it's only 1/5 as good as a $5 cigar (which is still relatively cheap) you're still getting your money's worth.