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humidity ranges

I recently just built a coolidor using conservagel beads. The last week I have been a bit **** about checking the humidity as it has been the first week I put my cigars in. The humidity levels will range from 65 to 70.......is it normal for humidity to flucuate? and as long as it stays in the range I previously stated is that ok?


  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I recently just built a coolidor using conservagel beads. The last week I have been a bit **** about checking the humidity as it has been the first week I put my cigars in. The humidity levels will range from 65 to 70.......is it normal for humidity to flucuate? and as long as it stays in the range I previously stated is that ok?
    Yes that is normal. Your beads have a range on them of +/- 2%. You also keep opening it up to check it which exchanges a lot of the air inside the cooler. At the range you speak of your sticks are fine. Try letting them sit for a day or two without opening the cooler and then you should have a good read on your interior RH.

    IS your hygrometer calibrated? You must have a properly working hygrometer or you don't really know the RH level.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Posts: 775
    I'm Mr. Curiosity when it comes to RH. I love checking in on my cigars so often that I have 3/4lbs of beads in each 70 quart cooler.
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I recently just built a coolidor using conservagel beads. The last week I have been a bit **** about checking the humidity as it has been the first week I put my cigars in. The humidity levels will range from 65 to 70.......is it normal for humidity to flucuate? and as long as it stays in the range I previously stated is that ok?
    //////Temp is also a factor to consider, the colder it is the less humidity is in the air and the media (whatever it may be) has to work harder to replenish/maintain the humidity. I have noticed mine (a large platic-bin-a-dor) starting to fluctuate between the same as you 65RH-70RH especially when it is cold and temps drop in the evening. My bin is nowhere near airtight (nor do I want it to be) so I'll have to add a bit of weather stripping in the winter or get a slightly tighter fitting bin to equalize the loss/replenish value while still having good air flow. It is normal around this time of year and while I prefer my sticks at 70RH a little variance isn't going to harm them in the short term. Of course rock-stability is best but 65-70 variant is A-ok.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    If your "binador" is not a cooler then the outside temp will be a factor. However the cooler has the ability to keep the heat out as well as keeping the cold in, so outside temps are less of a problem. Is your bin insulated at all?
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If your "binador" is not a cooler then the outside temp will be a factor. However the cooler has the ability to keep the heat out as well as keeping the cold in, so outside temps are less of a problem. Is your bin insulated at all?
    No, none at all. If I did use a cooler I would drill an air hole or leave the drain hole open anyway so it wouldn't matter much in the end.
  • thanks, this was the perfect answer I was looking for. I do think I might have to get some weather stripping as well, but for now I am sitting right around 68
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    If your "binador" is not a cooler then the outside temp will be a factor. However the cooler has the ability to keep the heat out as well as keeping the cold in, so outside temps are less of a problem. Is your bin insulated at all?
    No, none at all. If I did use a cooler I would drill an air hole or leave the drain hole open anyway so it wouldn't matter much in the end.
    Actually it would. Coolers with the drain hole open will still maintain a good interior temp. / humidity level. The outside environment may have some effect on the interior conditions if enough outside air got in there but why would you want that? If you don't keep your coolerdor closed for extended periods of time the air exchanged while opening and rummaging through it will be fine.

    All environments are different, here it is very moist so my beads do a lot more work removing moisture then adding it. In some places it would be totally opposite, like a more desert or dry area for intance. That is the beauty of a coolerdor, in addition to the rediculous storage room you gain, in my opinion.

    Do you apply weather stripping in the winter and remove it in the summer where you are?
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