COTM club reviews

I haven't seen a cotm review thread and if I missed it I apologize but I figured members of the COTM could come here and review the cigars after they smoke them.
I myself am not much for reviewing cigars, my palate is not as developed as others I can really only say what I like and dislike.
As far as the this months cigars I've had a few of them, The Obsidian I have to say I wasn't a fan at all just not my cup of tea, the Sencillo Platinum I have to say fell under the same category. I just finished smoking the Don Lino Africa and that one I did enjoy. I haven't tried the Ave Maria reconquista or swag yet but am a fan of ave maria and look forward to trying it, and I've read mixed reviews on the swag but look forward to trying it myself.
Now what do you all think? Also those who are not cotm members but have tried these cigars feel free to jump in the more opinions the merrier.
I myself am not much for reviewing cigars, my palate is not as developed as others I can really only say what I like and dislike.
As far as the this months cigars I've had a few of them, The Obsidian I have to say I wasn't a fan at all just not my cup of tea, the Sencillo Platinum I have to say fell under the same category. I just finished smoking the Don Lino Africa and that one I did enjoy. I haven't tried the Ave Maria reconquista or swag yet but am a fan of ave maria and look forward to trying it, and I've read mixed reviews on the swag but look forward to trying it myself.
Now what do you all think? Also those who are not cotm members but have tried these cigars feel free to jump in the more opinions the merrier.
This is why I nominated him as the King of the Things I Hate thread. LOL
Also, we're talking about the new Obsidian put out by PDR, not the Padilla Obsidian here, right?
I thought the SWAG was supposed to be great? Haven't tried it yet, and looking forward to the AVO. This is what I like about the COTM, most of these I'd have probably never tried, except the Punch, which has been around forever. I'm not committed against the Prensado, sometimes you just get a cigar that isn't representative of the line, in almost any brand.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I always thought it would make the club so much better and INCREASE the members of the club if they were to send out no sticks that had not been sitting in their humi's for at least 6 months.
That way the BOTL who were members would be treated to the same cigars they get now, only these would already have a little rest time on them. The club packs could be stored for a couple of weeks in your personal humi and then you could break out a stick and enjoy it with a little age on it. The sticks in the COTMC packs even after a few weeks in the humi seemed fresh.
I just figured that since it is newer members mostly who make up the club, that this way they would get a real idea of what a little time can do for any quality cigar, without having to sacrifice by letting all the cigars they purchase sit for months before they smoke them.
Just something I thought at the time that would be a good tweek to the program. I would still be a member actually, if the shipping wasn't such an issue for the Northern BOTL.
I hoped it would start to develop soon, and I wasn't disappointed. The flavor started coming on in a few minutes, and it was a little different from anything I've had before. It's hard to describe, sort of ginger, bread or maybe cream, leather in the background, and something vaguely minty. I'm not good at describing this, but bear with me a moment longer.
Ashed it at about 2 inches, which revealed a nice even burn, no "cone". Actually, never touched it with the lighter again! This is rare, because I get fanatical about even burns sometimes, and am constantly touching up one side or wetting the other.
9pm and the movies over, time to walk the dogs, and there's still plenty of cigar to go. Never went out. Oh, and that unique flavor just kept building and building, without ever becoming bitter or overwhelming. Walking the dogs I was just the slightest bit wobbly, and I'm not complaining about that either.
So, just wanted to pass that along, an all around enjoyable experience, well worth it!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain