Need some support, and to rant...

Hey BOTL/SOTL, I gotta go on a bit of a rant here, and to stand on the "soap box". If this isn't your thing no need to read any further and no offense will be taken, just given a heads up so I don't rub anyone the wrong way.
So back story will be said so that you can understand what is going on and where I am coming from. I spent 4 years at the Colorado School of Mines, a very respectable engineering school, going for my BS in Mechanical Engineering. In my final year I got into the classes that were indicative of what I would actually be doing as a M.E. and unfortunetly I hated it and did not want to be stuck in a cubicle drawing diagrams for the corporate boss for the foreseeable future. Instead of changing majors and racking up more and more student loan debt I decided to quite and instead go into sales. I was very good at it and enjoyed it. However I have had a degenerative muscular and spinal disease along with a few auto-immune disorders for the past 4 years that I will live with for the rest of my life. Due to this I live in a fairly constant state of somewhat severe pain. Instead of curling up in a ball and letting it dictate my life I learned to work through it and be happy regardless. It has become evident though that it is becoming increasingly difficult to work a 40+ hr/wk job due to the strain it puts on my system and my health. I have thus gone into seasonal jobs and management. It has worked very well and I have been happy with this arrangement.
This is where the story takes a turn though. My wife just got out of ICU two weeks ago due to a heart-attack. 3 days and 2 nights in the hospital is very very expensive and she will be out of work for an unknown period of time to recover and get back to a healthy place. The job I have been working was a Manager of a local Halloween store. I upped my hours to around 50 hrs/wk which has been tough but I am glad to do to support the woman I cherish and love, and I am currently able to do so. But this is the only source of income we have, and it has worked out just fine because I have taken the hours to do so.
I have continually bent over backwards for every single one of my employees, given money to them when they needed it without repayment and I am happy to do that, came in early every single shift, stayed late every shift, done the hard and bad jobs so they wouldn't have to, given them extra time off and breaks, and never said a bad word to anyone. I am aware that as a man I do have a bit of an abrasive humor, especially with rich pampered and prissy women. And now this is where the rub comes in, I apparently offended one of said prissy girls with a joke that I made WEEKS ago. I have always told every employee that if I ever offend them or make them uncomfortable they can approach me without repercussion and let me know so that I may better myself and make it a wonderful environment to be in. Instead of telling me about this, she went out of her way to set me up actually. Due to the fact that this is a halloween store, many of the outfits are very provocative and "slutty", said girl dressed up in one of these outfits, and then proceeded to ask my opinion on how to make it skankier. I have never once touched any girl in ANY inappropriate way and am a very soft spoken and kind individual. I told her in a very professional manner how she could make it more provacative and she laughed and smiled and said thank you to me. She then turned around and gossiped to the other prissy girls who then got some of the men on their side and made a complaint to our owner that if he did not fire me, that all of them would quite simultaneously and force the store to close due to under-staffing. The owner who stated to me personally less than an hour ago that I was his best employee he has ever had, and the only person from this season that he would want to spend time with outside of work, but he had to force me to quit because he couldn't have his store close down.
So now, I am out of work, with medical bills from the ICU session incoming, no college degree, and a degenerative muscular disease that keeps me from doing manual labor ALL because some **** set me up for no reason what-so-ever!!! @$#%^^%$$#@#$^& DAMMIT!!!!!!! SCREW EVERY BOULDER COLLEGE MORON WHO MIMICS JERSEY SHORE AND RUIN PEOPLE'S SOURCE OF LIFE!!!!!!
That said, I am SURE that everything will work out, and the owner is personally attempting to find another job for me through his contacts because he knew that I was screwed for NO reason. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that, I just had to get this off my chest before I went Postal on the CU campus for fu(king me and my wife for their petty jealousy and catty-ness. Thanks for listening and I now feel much better lol, back to being good natured and kind Brett. -- Brett Jarman out hehe
So back story will be said so that you can understand what is going on and where I am coming from. I spent 4 years at the Colorado School of Mines, a very respectable engineering school, going for my BS in Mechanical Engineering. In my final year I got into the classes that were indicative of what I would actually be doing as a M.E. and unfortunetly I hated it and did not want to be stuck in a cubicle drawing diagrams for the corporate boss for the foreseeable future. Instead of changing majors and racking up more and more student loan debt I decided to quite and instead go into sales. I was very good at it and enjoyed it. However I have had a degenerative muscular and spinal disease along with a few auto-immune disorders for the past 4 years that I will live with for the rest of my life. Due to this I live in a fairly constant state of somewhat severe pain. Instead of curling up in a ball and letting it dictate my life I learned to work through it and be happy regardless. It has become evident though that it is becoming increasingly difficult to work a 40+ hr/wk job due to the strain it puts on my system and my health. I have thus gone into seasonal jobs and management. It has worked very well and I have been happy with this arrangement.
This is where the story takes a turn though. My wife just got out of ICU two weeks ago due to a heart-attack. 3 days and 2 nights in the hospital is very very expensive and she will be out of work for an unknown period of time to recover and get back to a healthy place. The job I have been working was a Manager of a local Halloween store. I upped my hours to around 50 hrs/wk which has been tough but I am glad to do to support the woman I cherish and love, and I am currently able to do so. But this is the only source of income we have, and it has worked out just fine because I have taken the hours to do so.
I have continually bent over backwards for every single one of my employees, given money to them when they needed it without repayment and I am happy to do that, came in early every single shift, stayed late every shift, done the hard and bad jobs so they wouldn't have to, given them extra time off and breaks, and never said a bad word to anyone. I am aware that as a man I do have a bit of an abrasive humor, especially with rich pampered and prissy women. And now this is where the rub comes in, I apparently offended one of said prissy girls with a joke that I made WEEKS ago. I have always told every employee that if I ever offend them or make them uncomfortable they can approach me without repercussion and let me know so that I may better myself and make it a wonderful environment to be in. Instead of telling me about this, she went out of her way to set me up actually. Due to the fact that this is a halloween store, many of the outfits are very provocative and "slutty", said girl dressed up in one of these outfits, and then proceeded to ask my opinion on how to make it skankier. I have never once touched any girl in ANY inappropriate way and am a very soft spoken and kind individual. I told her in a very professional manner how she could make it more provacative and she laughed and smiled and said thank you to me. She then turned around and gossiped to the other prissy girls who then got some of the men on their side and made a complaint to our owner that if he did not fire me, that all of them would quite simultaneously and force the store to close due to under-staffing. The owner who stated to me personally less than an hour ago that I was his best employee he has ever had, and the only person from this season that he would want to spend time with outside of work, but he had to force me to quit because he couldn't have his store close down.
So now, I am out of work, with medical bills from the ICU session incoming, no college degree, and a degenerative muscular disease that keeps me from doing manual labor ALL because some **** set me up for no reason what-so-ever!!! @$#%^^%$$#@#$^& DAMMIT!!!!!!! SCREW EVERY BOULDER COLLEGE MORON WHO MIMICS JERSEY SHORE AND RUIN PEOPLE'S SOURCE OF LIFE!!!!!!
That said, I am SURE that everything will work out, and the owner is personally attempting to find another job for me through his contacts because he knew that I was screwed for NO reason. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything like that, I just had to get this off my chest before I went Postal on the CU campus for fu(king me and my wife for their petty jealousy and catty-ness. Thanks for listening and I now feel much better lol, back to being good natured and kind Brett. -- Brett Jarman out hehe
"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I'm sure everything will work out in the long run, brother.
On another note , I'm no lawyer , but it almost seems like she sexually harassed you with the " slutty outfit and come-on " bit . Wouldn't that be funny if you could somehow sue her little dumb-*** for sexual harassment of YOU !!!
"Long ashes my friends."
I hope you find another job soon that suits you better considering your physical issues. My thoughts are with you.