weight loss

currently 6'2" inches, 430 pounds.
I have always been large, not a tub of lard, just always been built like I should be a linebacker in the nfl. I have been working out of and on the last 5 months, over the last year I have cut out a significant ammount of sugar, made major changes to my diet, such as eating smaller meals more frequently, increased my fruit and vegetable intake. when I work out I do about 10-15 min on the eliptical, I dont have the energy to do more than that, it just whipes me out. other than that I do high rep low weight workouts. this all takes about an hour and I am breathing hard the entire time. When i am done i am completely spent. back before xmas last year, I weighed about 390 pounds. that weight hadnt changed in 4 years. I GAINED 40 pounds when I started working out. I do feel a lot better, my back feels better, Im not tired all day, i am more mentaly alert, but I just cant seem to drop any weight??? I understand that muscle weighs a lot more than fat, but come on, no change in 4 years, I cut out A LOT of sugar, stop drinking soda but once or maybe twice a week, and when i do its diet, I have stopped baking a cake and eating the whole thing over a weekend, stopped plowing through costco packs of oreos, and no weight loss. I hear lots of stories where people stop drinking soda and they lose 100 pounds over a couple years with no other changes. I still dont eat perfectly healthy, but I have made major changes to my diet and excersize. shouldnt I have lost at least some weight???? my body type seems to prefer building muscle to losing weight, my shoulders and pecs have increased mass by i guess about 25% and I am getting stretch marks in my shoulders. does any one have any insight? I plan to do to the doctor soon, maybe I got some stupid imballance or somthing.
Now, this worked for me. Will it work for you? I can't say, as everyone responds differently to these things. But I would recommend taking a good long look at your current diet and figuring out where you can make some changes, and they don't have to be big ones either, I think the biggest thing to keep in mind is moderation. Of course I'm no nutritionist, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I do wish you luck though, and hope you are able to meet with some success.
Portion control and exercise is all you need my friend. And remember, if you are actively pursuing weight loss but not getting ample nutrition, your body will pull the nutrients from your muscle fibers instead of breaking down the fat cells (something you want to avoid). Muscle has more nutrients.
One thing that I did was find a better workout than just weight training. I bought the Military kit from www.FitnessAnywhere.com , followed the Navy Seal workout, and dropped 30 pounds in two months. That's without doing the running portion they give you. The exercises are all bodyweight so you don't have to worry about putting on bulky muscle. I loved it!
I changed jobs and stopped working out because my schedule was different, but I am definitely going to start it up again soon.
Other than that, pretty much everything that's been said about the nutritional part. 5 small mini-meals a day with more healthy foods, and at the last meal should be 2-3 hours before bed.