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Anyone know where to find a large Black Window Humi?

I have two of these below and they are not quite big enough. With they made one below that was larger.
All that I see online are ugly mahogany (old school colors). Need something sheik and more modern looking. Anyone know where to look, I have looked all over google and nothing really seems to catch my attention.
I also like this if it did not have gold trim? Gross, Gold was popular in the 80s. lol
And Thompson has a large black humi, but I heard horror stories about them and I refuse to order from them.
Any suggestions?


  • djbeeniedjbeenie Posts: 469
    Gosh Ccom needs to fix their forum. Anyone know the code to space out sentences.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    If you mean line breaks, its (BR) only with these <> instead of these ().

  • djbeeniedjbeenie Posts: 469
    Thanks man!
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    90% plus of the humis out there are made in china and imported by a company called "Quality Importers", they actually sell cigars, accessories ect. You can look there and see what you like (style-wise) then find a source for one as they are a wholesaler. Here is the link: http://www.qualityimporters.com/qualityimporters/qualityimporters/
  • djbeeniedjbeenie Posts: 469
    90% plus of the humis out there are made by a china import company called "Quality Importers", the actually sell cigars, accessories ect. You can look there and see what you like (style-wise) then find a source for one as they are a wholesaler. Here is the link: http://www.qualityimporters.com/qualityimporters/qualityimporters/
    Yeah those are all I have seen before. :(
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    90% plus of the humis out there are made by a china import company called "Quality Importers", the actually sell cigars, accessories ect. You can look there and see what you like (style-wise) then find a source for one as they are a wholesaler. Here is the link: http://www.qualityimporters.com/qualityimporters/qualityimporters/
    Yeah those are all I have seen before. :(
    Those are the "affordable" options. Most places have the same stuff they just give it a new name. There is also E-bay, seen some good looking stuff go for cheap on there. The last option is to go custom or check out places like Waxing Moon, Exotic Savannah Wood Works, heirloom humidors etc but that gets expensive real quick. Good luck on your hunt, hopefully you can find something to meet your needs. Post pics when you do!
  • CAcigarguy007CAcigarguy007 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another thing you could do is a build your own project. I have seen wooden hope style chests on Craigslist for under $50, sometimes free. You could always get one of those and sand, refinish, seal, re-line, ect your own custom humi. Will probably take more time than money but that is half the fun sometimes. Just another option I though I should mention.
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