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Man O War

deejmemixxdeejmemixx Posts: 3,084 ✭✭
If you were someone that enjoyed mild-medium sticks what Man O War would you get (single stick or a sampler)?

Something about them intrigue me haha.

thanks in advanced.


  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    The Virtue is the closest thing to a mild to medium, as a solid medium.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Posts: 3,084 ✭✭
    The Virtue is the closest thing to a mild to medium, as a solid medium.
    Thanks :D
  • lcpleellcpleel Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭
    just letting you know you have one on its way to try.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Posts: 3,084 ✭✭
    just letting you know you have one on its way to try.
    o.O man, lol I am spinning circles here.
  • BigT06BigT06 Posts: 3,899
    just letting you know you have one on its way to try.
    umm... that's incorrect... you have AT LEAST one on it's way...
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    just letting you know you have one on its way to try.
    umm... that's incorrect... you have AT LEAST one on it's way...
    from looks of it. he has AT LEAST 3 on the way..lol
  • howtobasshowtobass Posts: 589
    just letting you know you have one on its way to try.
    umm... that's incorrect... you have AT LEAST one on it's way...
    from looks of it. he has AT LEAST 3 on the way..lol
    HAHAHA... Nice!
  • Duke2Duke2 Posts: 393
    You guys are the best. This is why I consider this to be the best cigar forum on the net.
  • Im a newb but so far my fav to date is the man o war virtue... its real smooth and i enjoy smoking it from beginning to end with a glass of whiskey.
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Posts: 551
    i like the virtue if i'm feeling like something mild, but love the ruination for a kick ass feeling cigar. i have yet to try the original man o'war yet.
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    I think the original is pretty medium and oaky smooth. Its not a super powerhouse. I say try all 3.
  • I love the original MOW, and the ruination of course is great. If you want to try the originals, PM me!
  • gaberoxgaberox Posts: 824
    I love the original MOW, and the ruination of course is great. If you want to try the originals, PM me!
    I love the originals as well they almost remind me of the barrel flavors you get in a bourbon barrel aged beer with all the oak and a little vanilla. And Ruiny is just incredible.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Im a newb .... and i enjoy smoking it from beginning to end with a glass of whiskey.

    That 'whiskey' part makes it sound like you're a man after my own heart...
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    The Virtue is the closest thing to a mild to medium, as a solid medium.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    Funny, I rate most of them as a Medium+, and the Virtue as a mild.
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    MOW original is also a solid medium that is great. If you can get a MOW SE figurado, you should try it as well
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