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Hygrometer and humidifier help pelase, noob here and instructions useless

Hi there Got my first haul today including a humidor. There are two things that confuse me

1. Re. the hygrometer: the instructions say place it in an airtight bag next to a dish with damp salt for 6 hours and it should say 75% if its calibrated. Do i need to do this? I ask because it seems as though the hygrometer is attached to the box so i cant take it out!

Re. the humidifier: it says that i should fill it with distilled water. I take it tap water won't work? Second, there's nothing to open in it! As you can see, its got this mesh on the front and the rest is smooth.
Help please! I'm v excited about this haul and don't want to much it up.

Thank you!


  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    the hygrometer will come out. open the humidor and push it out from the inside. dont lose the rubber ring but make sure you take it off for the salt test.

    however, that hygrometer is going to be a problem. get a digital one. its more accurate and will stay calibrated where as the analog one wont.

    as far as the humidifier goes, you can fill it through the mesh.
    i would suggest getting a better humidification system. Xikar humidification jars is what i have started to use recently. before that i used heartfelt humidity beads. either of those options are great options over the humidifiers that come with humidors.

    there is a ton of info on the forums here. if you have a question you can use the search function in the upper right hand corner and see if it has been discussed. if you cant find it quickly, ask. most people here are willing to share info.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,066 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First your hygrometer should push or pry out easily it's just pushed into a hole usually. And has a rubber gasket around it to make for a snug fit. Doing the salt test is essential.
    second only use destilled water or the 50/50 solution. Tap water may give your sticks a nasty taste because of the chlorine and minerals in it.
    don't put your sticks in the humi until it is seasoned this takes 1-2weeks.
    third read thru this forum any info you need on these subjects is in here as these are the most asked questions from noobs and has been answered many times.
    that being said welcome to the forums and welcome to the cigar world brother.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    First your hygrometer should pry out easily it's just pushed into a hole usually. And has a rubber gasket around it to make for a snug fit. Doing the salt test is essential.
    second only use destilled water or the 50/50 solution. Tap water may give your sticks a nasty taste because of the chlorine and minerals in it.
    don't put your sticks in the humi until it is seasoned this takes 1-2weeks.
    third ready thru this forum any info you need on these subjects is in here as these are the most asked questions from noobs and has been answered many times.
    that being said welcome to the forums and welcome to the cigar world brother.
    1-2 weeks is a bit long. the last two humidors ive seasoned have been good after 48 hours.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,066 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is true what Kuzi says my new one only took 5 days . My first one took 10 days but that was in the middle of winter so there was much less humidity in the air. This basically depends on your areas climate.
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