I am now a believer in Chriopracty

Well, for about a year now I've been living with some neck pain. Comes and goes...but it has gotten so bad that I am starting to miss days of work. So I finally broke down and went to a Chriopracter. For the longest time I thought they were all a bunch of crap. But I couldn't have been more wrong. He took x rays of my neck and turns out that one of my vertabrae in the bottom of my neck shifted over to the left and was pinching my nerves. Also had a muscle spasm about the size of a golf ball because the muscles were shifted over also. Suffice to say, I was jacked up. Anyways, he did his therapy and stuff and I woke up the next day feeling better than I have felt in over a year. I've had a few more adjustments till he gets it fixed 100%, but like I said I haven't felt this good in a very long time. Hell, I took my kids trick or treating last night, walking around for 2 hours and my back wasn't hurting at all (which it would have been). So if anyone is thinking about going, give it a try. It works.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."
Finally, I let myself get talked into seeing a chiropractor. The first thing he noticed was that one of my legs was about an inch and a half shorter than the other so he put me on the table and popped my pelvis back into position. Not only did it take care of the short-leg thing, but I slept well for the first time in a long while.
It took a couple more adjustments but now all is well.
I don't buy some of the ridiculous claims I've heard chiropractors make - like being able to cure athlete's foot and B.S. like that, but for certain things they definitely serve a need.
A guy I work with takes his kids with him when he goes. They have a family day at the chiro and all get adjusted. He said they have never missed one day of school from illness. I know how good I feel afterwards so there's gotta be some credibility to it. I'm convined it can really help out in keeping you healthy.
"Long ashes my friends."
"Long ashes my friends."