Room 101

Had a Room 101 tonight and I have some questions. The burn-damn near razor straight, Appearance-nice carmel color no problems, draw-great, construction- perfect, ash held on for two inches, flavor and this is where the problem lies, one note (oak with a little spice) but other than that not great at all.
Anyone else find this with these or any other cigars for that matter. I was super pumped to try it out and want to try the namakubi and other stuff from these guys. Should I just chalk it up to the first time. For the record had a camacho about two weeks back and this mirrors the camacho very similarly. I do know the 101 is blended by camacho.
Anyone else find this with these or any other cigars for that matter. I was super pumped to try it out and want to try the namakubi and other stuff from these guys. Should I just chalk it up to the first time. For the record had a camacho about two weeks back and this mirrors the camacho very similarly. I do know the 101 is blended by camacho.