Thunder by Nimish

Simple Review sucks, dont smoke it
What I thought were floral or citrus notes on the first few puffs simply ended up being a taste similar to a very good cigar, but not the cigar itself----the ashes on the bottom of the ashtray. It was metallic, harsh, and again tasted like a burnt ash. I put it out about 5-10 minutes in, and actually thought a Camel or Winston had a better flavor profile than this. Rocky my friend-----you have hit a new low. Though to give credit where it is due....its a very nice looking stick
Signed-----A man who harkens back to the original 1990 & 1992 Vintage Patels and the original Olde know Rock, when you still made consistently tasty sticks.
What I thought were floral or citrus notes on the first few puffs simply ended up being a taste similar to a very good cigar, but not the cigar itself----the ashes on the bottom of the ashtray. It was metallic, harsh, and again tasted like a burnt ash. I put it out about 5-10 minutes in, and actually thought a Camel or Winston had a better flavor profile than this. Rocky my friend-----you have hit a new low. Though to give credit where it is due....its a very nice looking stick
Signed-----A man who harkens back to the original 1990 & 1992 Vintage Patels and the original Olde know Rock, when you still made consistently tasty sticks.
"Long ashes my friends."