Home Cigar 101

How many a day?

Hey guys,
I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a thread like this somewhere on here.

How many cigars do you smoke a day?  Or do you even smoke daily?



  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    I smoke daily, perhaps missing a day here and there. Usually on week days I have less leisure time so I can get in two at most. On weekends, I consider it open season and smoke my head off, I can do anywhere from 3-5 on Saturday and Sunday, though sometimes it is one or two if I'm not in the mood for a bunch.
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    Since the beginning of November I have smoked 6 cigars (!!???)

    When the weather permits me to go outside and smoke, I'll usually have 2-3 per week.

    Wow... 6 cigars. That's not a lot. The weather here has sucked. Of course, during that time I have also smoked a pipe 42 times. So it's not like I've been missing out a huge amount. I've been smoking a pipe 4-5 times per week this winter.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    Hey guys,
    I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a thread like this somewhere on here.

    How many cigars do you smoke a day?  Or do you even smoke daily?

    In the summer I become a "nearly daily" smoker. I find the time to get outside at night and enjoy one cigar as often as I can. Rarely more than one a day. In the winter I am restricted to smoking in my car between work and home, and only get in about three or four a week. Unlike these California guys that get between three and five a day year-round. ( LUCKY !!)
  • ShawnJShawnJ Posts: 65
    I haven't been smoking cigars very long, but I have been smoking 2 a day.  One after breakfast and another one after dinner.
    I'm going to try to get down to one every other day.
    I'm in Florida, but it's still really cold here especially at night.  Tonight it's 37.  I know that's nothing compared to where some of you are!
  • TumblerTumbler Posts: 338 ✭✭
    I took a three day hiatus - but before that, every day at least one and usually two. I open the ante on week-ends and will average 3. I'm thinking I should smoke less and then smoke better cigars... :)
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    Six since November may top me...Given the cold weather here and the fact that I don't want to smoke in my house or car, I'd had to pretty much give up for the winter. I'm super excited by rumors that it's going to get to 50 degrees here this weekend so I can fire it up. When it's nice enough to go outside, I'm probably at about three a week...one or two during the week, one on Sat and one on Sunday. But that was last summer/fall, when I was just getting started. I frayed this summer I'm might crank it up a notch. Coffee and smoke on the porch in the morning sounds quite nice.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Unlike these California guys that get between three and five a day year-round. ( LUCKY !!)

    LOL Dont hate... The weather actually has been really good here lately in the afternoons. I usually smoke once a day 3-4 times during the work week, but we are gettin into the rainy season. On the weekends usually two and occasionally the (ahhhhhh yes) 3 cigar day. It's not for lack of wanting to smoke more, hell i'd be a daily puffin' fool like Jozer if i could, just dont have the time. I consider myself lucky to fit it in as often as i do. When i go to the ship it's usually 3-4/ entire week but i turn into a chimney when we hit port.
  • urbinourbino Posts: 4,517
    I'll have one every evening and 2-3 on Saturday or Sunday, when the weather is fine. Lately, though, between a persistent head cold and recurring whole-outdoors cold, It's been more like 2-3 a week.
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    Ha! Looked at the wrong column in the spreadsheet. The tools are only as good as the fools using them. :)

    I have smoked 18 since the beginning of November. I thought that seemed low, given the fact that I had two last Saturday. Sheesh. The weather's supposed to be nice this weekend. I'll almost certainly get one on Saturday or Sunday (or both).
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    I'm almost a daily smoker no matter the weather. When its cold I'll turn to the pipe or a Short Story or a petit corona. But I'd say my average week is 3-5 during the winter(with a pipe in between) and 6-8 in the warmer weather but I wasn't a pipe smoker when it was last warm here so ...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Not NEAR enough! haha I usually smoke 2-3 a week but I'm hoping to be able to increase that a bit. If my wife and I go on vacation in a few weeks up to a cabin on the river I'll probably be puffing 3-4 a day while we are gone. I usually don't get a chance to smoke on work days because I work 12 hour shifts, but on my days off I usually try to squeez in a few.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    my goal is one a day.
    i almost never get it.

    usually i fall short. i dont get to smoke every day. maybe 2-4 times a week in the summer. maybe once a week in the winter. there are rare days where i have more than one. since i am in this for the taste, if i have more than one then i feel that i am not getting a clear taste of the second cigar, even if it is fuller bodied.

    yeah... one.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I go through phases. There are times when I smoke every day and times when I smoke 1 every week or two. I'm in my every day phase. Usually between 1 and 2 a day with a day off here and there.
  • FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
    Lets see, since November 1st I think that I have had four, thats right! 4!
    I think I can name them
    Nub Camaroon
    Nub Connecticut
    Nub Habano
    Macanudo Anniversary
    I was up to about 2-3 per week in August & September, then the Mrs. put the clamps down playing the 'this is unhealthy' card and the "I dont like the smell of the car' card I cut down to about 1 a week in October....... Then the cold came, and my cigars smoking went out the door for a while.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA
    I really really really want to make some comments. You have no idea!

    Is that she can get out of the ole stick? A draw or two? No wonder she is only there for a few minutes.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA
    I really really really want to make some comments. You have no idea!

    Is that she can get out of the ole stick? A draw or two? No wonder she is only there for a few minutes.

    Hey wheelie... I set that ball up for Maddy. Then you come along and "spike" that *** like that...
    BTW that WAS a comment dude. Is THAT what you call restraint?

    I'll have you know... oh never mind. Mmmmm garage sex (drifting off with the Homer glaze going on)
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA
    I really really really want to make some comments. You have no idea!

    Is that she can get out of the ole stick? A draw or two? No wonder she is only there for a few minutes.

    Hey wheelie... I set that ball up for Maddy. Then you come along and "spike" that *** like that...
    BTW that WAS a comment dude. Is THAT what you call restraint?

    I'll have you know... oh never mind. Mmmmm garage sex (drifting off with the Homer glaze going on)
    I'm at work and can't make those comments here at work so I couldn't resist doing it here. Sorry for ruining it for Maddy. :-(
  • TumblerTumbler Posts: 338 ✭✭
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA

    Nice picture you drew there Laker - I wanted to join you for a smoke.
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA

    Nice picture you drew there Laker - I wanted to join you for a smoke.
    I didn't know you were playing for the other team, Tumbler
  • madurofanmadurofan Posts: 6,219 ✭✭✭
    Now that the ball has already been spiked ... I have nothign to say. Well, except, to tell Tumbler to be careful just the other day Laker was hitting on duty ... OHHHH duty(batting his eyes and everything). The ol' perv.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA
    I really really really want to make some comments. You have no idea!

    Is that she can get out of the ole stick? A draw or two? No wonder she is only there for a few minutes.

    Hey wheelie... I set that ball up for Maddy. Then you come along and "spike" that *** like that...
    BTW that WAS a comment dude. Is THAT what you call restraint?

    I'll have you know... oh never mind. Mmmmm garage sex (drifting off with the Homer glaze going on)
    I wasn't aware that Canadians had sex.... =)
  • rmccloudrmccloud Posts: 160 ✭✭
    Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA
    I really really really want to make some comments. You have no idea!

    Is that she can get out of the ole stick? A draw or two? No wonder she is only there for a few minutes.

    Hey wheelie... I set that ball up for Maddy. Then you come along and "spike" that *** like that...
    BTW that WAS a comment dude. Is THAT what you call restraint?

    I'll have you know... oh never mind. Mmmmm garage sex (drifting off with the Homer glaze going on)
    I wasn't aware that Canadians had sex.... =)

    They do...but when the women yell out "EH" for pleasure it really can throw you off your game.
  • cheymancheyman Posts: 157
    I usually smoke 1-2 a day during the week, mostly in my car as I commute a total of 100 miles a day. I actually smoke less during the weekends and my go the whole weekend with out smoking.
  • Well 3-4 a day

    usally more with my crown royal rage's

    at least a good cuban on friday night

  • TumblerTumbler Posts: 338 ✭✭
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA

    Nice picture you drew there Laker - I wanted to join you for a smoke.
    I didn't know you were playing for the other team, Tumbler

    When someone mentions stokin' the stogie - perhaps I shouldn't jump in?
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA

    Nice picture you drew there Laker - I wanted to join you for a smoke.
    I didn't know you were playing for the other team, Tumbler

    When someone mentions stokin' the stogie - perhaps I shouldn't jump in?

    I wouldn't take any sex advice from Duty.
    I mean c'mon, the guy is into splitting little burro's from back to front, and he lives in Urbi's Humi. He is obviously a deviant.
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA

    Nice picture you drew there Laker - I wanted to join you for a smoke.
    I didn't know you were playing for the other team, Tumbler

    When someone mentions stokin' the stogie - perhaps I shouldn't jump in?

    I wouldn't take any sex advice from Duty.
    I mean c'mon, the guy is into splitting little burro's from back to front, and he lives in Urbi's Humi. He is obviously a deviant.
    Those are the words of a man that's never been up a burro.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Those are the words of a man that's never been up a burro.

    ....or a donkey
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I smoke two a day most days. Three on a good weekend day, if I can get it in there.
    I have a corner of my garage set up with the "winter stored" patio furnitue. It's quite comfy with seats for three. I am usually on my own when smoking unless my son joins me for one. Sometimes even wifey will drop in for a few minutes and a draw or two off the ole stick.
    Now... there you go Maddy... feed on that for a while! LMOA

    Nice picture you drew there Laker - I wanted to join you for a smoke.
    I didn't know you were playing for the other team, Tumbler

    When someone mentions stokin' the stogie - perhaps I shouldn't jump in?

    I wouldn't take any sex advice from Duty.
    I mean c'mon, the guy is into splitting little burro's from back to front, and he lives in Urbi's Humi. He is obviously a deviant.
    Those are the words of a man that's never been up a burro.
    lol, oh I just don't know how to comment on this one..
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