I put Echoes on last night on my Roku playing though the TV with the display turned off. The audio wasn't very good on the TV but I was enjoying it until my Wife woke me up 23 minutes later to ask me to turn it off when it autoplayed to a louder Pink Floyd song. Need to remember to disable autoplay before going off to sleep next time, and I'll probably use my phone and bluetooth speaker for better audio.
As for comments getting blocked, it usually happens to me if I try and mention someone (@) or quote with mentions, but I haven't figured out the triggers completely. Best to cut you message into your clipboard so if it doesn't go through you can paste it back in and modify it.
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Thanks for the heads up. It just gets frustrating sometimes when I spend a while typing something out and it gets blocked. I've found they get blocked with the @ then the name or without and just the name. Idk sometimes I feel it's intentional. I will copy my longer texts from now on.
My info on sanding Spanish cedar got blocked multiple times when I tried to respond after one member called it my theory and bunk etc. which was BS. I posted a link to the info and kept blocking my posts. I just let it go, it was some of the best info I have ever found, all from a knowledgeable cigar blender and manufacturer.
If you quote me do the @TX98Z28 in your text or I won't be notified of your quote, Thanks.
Over the last 7 years or so, other than some exceptions like The Beatles Mono Collection, I have mostly grown my jazz and classical to balance my mostly 60's and 70's rock collection.
Over the last 7 years or so, other than some exceptions like The Beatles Mono Collection, I have mostly grown my jazz and classical to balance my mostly 60's and 70's rock collection.
Nice setup. Really diggin' the artwork.
Here's my humble collection. Lost half my records in a move, including a coupla Johnny Cash Sun albums
I've been hankerin' for a pair of those Magnepans for a long while, but don't think my living room would accommodate a good placement for them.
What turntable are you using?
The Maggies really excel with acoustic music like classic jazz and classical. My room could be better too, but it's good enough.
My turntable is a 1986 Sonograph SG-3 that I bought new. In 2012, I updated the bearing, subplatter and platter. Turns out that SOTA turntables bought the parts stock from Conrad Johnson the maker of the SG-3 when they went out of production and one of the SOTA models is based on the SG-3, so the new, upgraded parts were interchangeable. Lucky me!
When I updated the parts, I refinished the plinth as well. It was a white oak color. The tonearm is a Sumiko MMT made today by Jelco.
Been playing the Smashing Pumpkins Gish, UFO, Sweet, Shostakovich and X. I try to play along, which works better with the bass. My old collection from 30 yrs ago would be worth big $$$. I had about 75 bootlegs. Digital has kicked us in the nuts if you're around my age. I miss record stores....
Been playing the Smashing Pumpkins Gish, UFO, Sweet, Shostakovich and X. I try to play along, which works better with the bass. My old collection from 30 yrs ago would be worth big $$$. I had about 75 bootlegs. Digital has kicked us in the nuts if you're around my age. I miss record stores....
Vinyl's making a comeback, as are record stores (record store day's coming up). Most audiophiles perfer vinyl over digital, something about continuity, digital music is broken down.
¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado! -General Zapata
Been playing the Smashing Pumpkins Gish, UFO, Sweet, Shostakovich and X. I try to play along, which works better with the bass. My old collection from 30 yrs ago would be worth big $$$. I had about 75 bootlegs. Digital has kicked us in the nuts if you're around my age. I miss record stores....
Vinyl's making a comeback, as are record stores (record store day's coming up). Most audiophiles perfer vinyl over digital, something about continuity, digital music is broken down.
Same with vacuum tubes. Vacuum tube amps, for example, produce a cleaner sound.
¡Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado! -General Zapata
I quit going when they went to the drawing of numbers to slow the buggers from buying, turning around and selling online at greatly increased prices. I would have liked to pick up the Drive By Truckers LP, PF Interstellar Overdrive, Rush Cygnus X-1, as well as the Zappa release.
As for comments getting blocked, it usually happens to me if I try and mention someone (@) or quote with mentions, but I haven't figured out the triggers completely. Best to cut you message into your clipboard so if it doesn't go through you can paste it back in and modify it.
I give up
My info on sanding Spanish cedar got blocked multiple times when I tried to respond after one member called it my theory and bunk etc. which was BS. I posted a link to the info and kept blocking my posts. I just let it go, it was some of the best info I have ever found, all from a knowledgeable cigar blender and manufacturer.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
With this:
Over the last 7 years or so, other than some exceptions like The Beatles Mono Collection, I have mostly grown my jazz and classical to balance my mostly 60's and 70's rock collection.
What turntable are you using?
Here's my humble collection. Lost half my records in a move, including a coupla Johnny Cash Sun albums
My turntable is a 1986 Sonograph SG-3 that I bought new. In 2012, I updated the bearing, subplatter and platter. Turns out that SOTA turntables bought the parts stock from Conrad Johnson the maker of the SG-3 when they went out of production and one of the SOTA models is based on the SG-3, so the new, upgraded parts were interchangeable. Lucky me!
When I updated the parts, I refinished the plinth as well. It was a white oak color. The tonearm is a Sumiko MMT made today by Jelco.
Here's a pic:
Yeah, I love that piece on the wall. It's a Santa Fe artist named LaRoche who does a lot of really wonderful wildlife stuff in this style.
LaRoche reminds me a bit of Markus Pierson's work. Different style though.
Currently spinning Aerosmith's Draw the Line.
I quit going when they went to the drawing of numbers to slow the buggers from buying, turning around and selling online at greatly increased prices.
I would have liked to pick up the Drive By Truckers LP, PF Interstellar Overdrive, Rush Cygnus X-1, as well as the Zappa release.