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Can anyone give a little advice???

got the new humidor yesterday and got it seasoning. its actually holding a solid humidity already...it came with a front mount analog hygrometer. this one is adjustable and i've adjusted it twice, once with salt and once with a fresh salt tested digital from my small 20 count humidor and when inside they actually read within 3 degrees of each other....BUT, if i put the analog back in its front mount spot, it'll drop about 20%....there is only one hole where it goes at the adjustment screw and it looks like its vented around the edge of the hygrometer. so according to being inside with the digital, it is accurate....but not when put in the front mount position............

heres the question.......what does the back of a front mount digital hygrometer look like? i cant find pics nowhere...just wondering if i should maybe drill more holes so the analog can get to the humidity better in the front position or if the digital hygrometers vents are in the center of the back where the hole is already at..

anyone have pics of the back of a front mounted digital hygrometer? or have any ideas...


  • danielruasdanielruas Posts: 778
    I can't help you with the pics, but from what I have gathered 90% of analog hygros are garbage. My front mount reads the same % at all times since the day I got it. I trust my digis to give me closer to accurate readings.
  • jkallen83jkallen83 Posts: 142
    my 20 count humidor came with an analog and it never changes, but this one IS actually within 3% of my digital at all times since i've calibrated it....so it seems to be working really good....thing is, i would hate to buy a digital and still have the same problem...basically needing to know if i need to drill some holes so there is more airflow to the front mount position. not knowing what the back of the digitals look like im not sure what i need to do...my digital now reads off the front.
  • danielruasdanielruas Posts: 778
    I see what you're saying, but you could always go with a form of humidification you really trust and skip out on the hygro. I have 3 humis and only 2 digital hygros but I use boveda packs with that I replace every few months and I trust them with my life(my cigars!). So I barely ever even look at my hygros.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    My humi has one of the round, front mounted analogs. It kinda works. I keep a digital inside. But the back is completely open. One, big hole all the way through the box. I was worried that, if the humi did not sit correctly in the hole, then air would be allowed to escape. I took a thin strip of paper and used it as a gasket. I would think that drilling more holes in yours would not be a problem. And make sure the fit is snug on the hydrometer.
  • jkallen83jkallen83 Posts: 142
    yeah im really liking the cigar mechanic beads,...i also have a gel jar that is "ok" but not as good as the beads...

    it is a pretty snug fit although with a knife i can ease it out without damage to the box or hygro...as of now it has maybe a 1/4" sized hole or smaller in the very center...just dont think enough air is getting to the hygrometer...
  • boydmcgowanboydmcgowan Posts: 1,101
    My humi has one of the round, front mounted analogs. It kinda works. I keep a digital inside. But the back is completely open. One, big hole all the way through the box. I was worried that, if the humi did not sit correctly in the hole, then air would be allowed to escape. I took a thin strip of paper and used it as a gasket. I would think that drilling more holes in yours would not be a problem. And make sure the fit is snug on the hydrometer.
    Yup, this is my scenario as well. I have two glass top humis with front mounted analog hygrometers, and only one digital that I flip flop between the two humis just to confirm the analog reading is still accurate and they both are.

    Anyway, to your question, I was able to adjust my analog ones without taking them out of their mounting, so I think the back of my analog hygros is completely open to the inside of the humi. Sounds like you have to take your hygro out to adjust it? Is that right? I've never seen that so I'm not sure what to tell you other than to open up the hygro housing a bit, if the back of it is covered, so that you can adjust it without removing it, and slide the thing back in slowly and then seal it up permanently using some silicon, and since you have a digial one lying around just adjust the analog one off of the digital one after its permanently installed and check it every once in a while to make sure its accurate.

    Anyway, just sharing what I would do.
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