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At this time last year...Holiday Weight Loss

So as is always the case around the holidays, we chow down and often put on a few pounds. For sure that was the case with me last year. I normally walk around (quite active during the week...train Jiu-Jitsu) at about 180lbs. If I compete I get down to 174. But last year about this time or maybe around Xmas I was almost 190. I was not happy with that of course so decided to make some subtle changes in my diet in 2011. Anyway, last night I weighed in at 175.4...so 15lbs lighter and basically at competition weight. Most of the changes were due to something called the Gracie Diet. I have kinown about it for some time but decided to really put it to use this year. Check it out...I love it, don't do it with all my meals but the main ideas of the diet might be very helpful for some of the Brothers!


  • chemforeverchemforever Posts: 1,200
    So as is always the case around the holidays, we chow down and often put on a few pounds. For sure that was the case with me last year. I normally walk around (quite active during the week...train Jiu-Jitsu) at about 180lbs. If I compete I get down to 174. But last year about this time or maybe around Xmas I was almost 190. I was not happy with that of course so decided to make some subtle changes in my diet in 2011. Anyway, last night I weighed in at 175.4...so 15lbs lighter and basically at competition weight. Most of the changes were due to something called the Gracie Diet. I have kinown about it for some time but decided to really put it to use this year. Check it out...I love it, don't do it with all my meals but the main ideas of the diet might be very helpful for some of the Brothers!
    haven't looked yet but I assume your energy level is fine on this diet?
  • chemforeverchemforever Posts: 1,200
    So as is always the case around the holidays, we chow down and often put on a few pounds. For sure that was the case with me last year. I normally walk around (quite active during the week...train Jiu-Jitsu) at about 180lbs. If I compete I get down to 174. But last year about this time or maybe around Xmas I was almost 190. I was not happy with that of course so decided to make some subtle changes in my diet in 2011. Anyway, last night I weighed in at 175.4...so 15lbs lighter and basically at competition weight. Most of the changes were due to something called the Gracie Diet. I have kinown about it for some time but decided to really put it to use this year. Check it out...I love it, don't do it with all my meals but the main ideas of the diet might be very helpful for some of the Brothers!
    haven't looked yet but I assume your energy level is fine on this diet?
    lol this question seems silly after looking at the website for like 5 seconds rofl.
  • MarkerMarker Posts: 2,524
    Dan, I train Tae Kwon Do and tend to not overeat except for Thanksgiving because I am a turkey fiend. I carve the turkey and eat much of the skin before anyone else gets to it. Because of that I do extra work in the mornings and evenings to make up for it. I stay about 160lbs.

    Most of the reason I don't gain weight is because I watch what I eat and how much. I don't eat to get full. I eat to keep my body going. After years of doing that my body tells me when enough is enough. Your body can learn to live off less food and as long as it is good food.
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Posts: 600
    Yes you are correct about listening to your body...and eating turkey! I wasn't fat at 190 or anything, just (at age 42)thought I could keep my stomach a little tighter. Oh the other thing I did which I think helped was to eat significantly less gluten. Bread/pasta, etc. just makes me boated. I still eat bread, etc., just thin slices or one slice from time to time. As I mentioned, no big changes, just a few small things. As for the other question about energy, I would say I have more now. Fresh juice, that I prepare myself from time to time, is a huge part of the Gracie Diet.
    Btw, I have no ties to the diet or people associated with it. I learned about it from my Jiu-Jistu Professor (Relson) in 2001.
  • MarkerMarker Posts: 2,524
    Frozen fruit from the supermarket, spinach, baby carrots, yogurt, some type of juice to give it some liquidity, green tea works for this. Blend them all together and drink. Tastes great and hard to screw up. If you want to change this up a little use frozen pina colada mix instead of yogurt. Add liqour if you want. Tastes good and has health benefits to have a little liquor to thin the blood at times.
  • docbp87docbp87 Posts: 3,521
    I'm a fat motherfracker. By tomorrow night, I plan to be a REALLY fat motherfracker.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Posts: 7,257 ✭✭✭
    I'm a fat motherfracker. By tomorrow night, I plan to be a REALLY fat motherfracker.
    That's funny Doc. At least your comfortable with it. Hope you had a good Holiday. ( Fatty) :)
  • i need to lose some weight, by some i mean a ton. need to get motivated.
  • What I did, believe it or not, was get rid of the car. I ride a bicycle everywhere, eat like a pig, and still am able to take and keep it off. Really, other than cutting down on the doughnuts, etc, it's only about burning more calories than you take in. Unless the doctor has you on a special diet, just watch the pastries a bit along with the processed meats. Excercise a lot and forget about it! At least, that's how it works for me...
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