Will soon smoke the first one....have questions
Since a wonderful person here offered to send me some cigars to try, I thought when I receive them, that will be the time I will smoke my first cigar. I know it may sound silly to be posting here BEFORE I even try the first, but that's just how it worked out because I had questions before trying. I'm glad I found this place.
Anyway, not knowing for sure whether or not it will be something I will continue, I didn't want to dive head first into lots of accessories that I may not use if I don't like it. I do know that if I DO like it and continue on I will need:
---a humidor
---cigar cutter
---a lighter
I think that's really all since I doubt very seriously I will even be around other people while smoking becasue I don't personally know anyone else that smokes cigars and know of no places to go smoke them in public if I were a mind to.
So, since I'm not sure (though it sounds so appealing and I feel I will like it), I don't want to buy those things yet. So how can I get by at first? How do I keep the few cigars I will have properly humidified? How do I cut my cigar without a proper cutter? What do I light the cigar with since I don't have the kind you find on these cigar sites?
Your help is always very appreciated, thanks!!
Himidor substitutions: You could purchase (cheap) an empty cigar box with a good tight lid, and some "humi care pillows" for humidification. Tim at cigar.com caould probably help with that. You could use a tupperware container for storage, but understand that tupperware will not "breathe", and you can easily overhumidify your cigars in tupperware.
For humidification I would suggest purchasing some humidification beads, which are used in museums for the preservation of precious documents in a controled environment. These beads are very inexpensive. I've purchased from Heartfelt Indusustries, and they are great people to deal with.
You can get an inexpensive cutter for five dollars. Talk to Tim about these questions. He can set you up at a good price, and his advice will be impecable.
Now here's the kicker...someone set you up with cigars already, if you pm your Info to me, I'll get you set up with the accessories you need. And if it turns out you don't like cigars, you can pay the gift forward to another new smoker.
if you really want to give it a fair shake, then make sure to smoke a few.
report back with details. there may or may not be things that we can help you with or tips we can give you to make your second shot a better try.
there is a learning curve.
dont be afraid of failure though.