My Father "Cat 5"

Over the weekend, I was able to sit down with the My Father rep from our area...They are handing out an unreleased stick called the "Cat 5"...The name is short for the Catagory 5 Huricane...This stick, so I have been told, will be directly connected to Jose Ortega (VP) making it a cigar he will be honored with (not sure of the relationship whether it will be his or not)...No information on the blend was available (they rarely tell)...Told that there might be as many as 5 sizes and are scheduled to be released in the spring...I will say that the stick I had needed some down time and I hope they don't rush this one to market...It was meduim/full body (though it will probably mellow) and medium flavor (IMHO)...I have two more in the hopper that will rest before being sacrificed...
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29