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hey guys long time no see

Sorry I’ve not been on the forum very often of late, i have been checking in whenever i can but only to read.

i started a new job a few months back and its been keeping me busy, thing will hopefully getting better after Christmas with a probable promotion to a managerial position (read more time at a computer to look at ccom)

I’ve hardly had any time for cigars of late, I’ve had maybe 2 in the last few months, only one i remember is sat with an isom Bolivar looking out on this
That was in Cyprus, I was very lucky and managed to get a last min holiday for a week in a 5 star hotel for $50

weather in Wales sucks at the moment, we have some serious wind and rain, and its freezing cold, so my motorbike ride to work in the mornings isnt fun at all.
i came off it yesterday, slipped on a massive bit of ice, im ok just a bit sore, and the bike is ok. i managed to get it on video actually. Here is the link to youtube :p

motorbike crash video

Anyway how has everyone been, have i missed any forum drama? :p

all the best


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    Hi Sol, I'm glad you made it out okay and it looks like the bike wasn't too badly damaged. Congrats on the new job as well. Hopefully you get more time for smoking cigars soon.
  • Hey man glad to hear from you. I have been away for a while myself. I should be around more in Jan tho.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    yeah, its good to see ya. check in more often.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Glad to hear you're doing well man. That's great you weren't hurt in that and that your bike was ok too
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