Building a Humidor?!?!?!?
Posts: 2
I'm new to cigars and incredibly excited about it. So in my enthusiasm I bought a humidor and its rediculously small (10 Cigars). I find it very hard to keep the humidity and temperature inside consistent. I'm going to build a medium to large humidor about 100 cigar capacity. I use to be a cabinet maker so the task isn't really daunting but I would love any input on doing this and I would love to see examples of humidors you guys may have built. Thanks for anything you can offer!
What was that rule about humidor sizing? "Take what you think you want, double it and add 50"? Ehh, something like that.
Good luck!
the hardest part is getting the seal. your wood dorking experiance will come in still may be a difficult task.
As long as you like smoking cigars you are going to do it again, and before long you will have the same compulsatory buying habits the rest of us have. 300-500 would be your best bet. I just had to buy another humi to accomidate the cigars I was purchasing. When that humidor arrives I will have the ability to store roughly 600 cigars,...... and sadly, it wont be enough.
Plus if you take the time to build the thing, you will only get even more hooked. I look forward to the day I may bravely take on the same task. Good Luck bro.
The other thing to remember is: the bigger you make it, the more you'll need to organize the space. Dividers, trays, drawers, etc., become more and more important as the number of cigars increases.