Get off of the Catalog Mailing list?

How would i go about getting off of the mailing list for the Catalog but keep getting the emails? (Not that i dont enjoy getting it) I sent off an email to just a bit ago, and have personal reasons why i want to be removed from that list.
How do you get off the printed catalog mailing list?
Find the 1-800 number, call and tell them, "STOP SENDING THE GD CATALOGS, YA BUNCH OF COCKSUCKERS!!!". Worked for me.
I love junk mail. I turn it into fuel. Nobody hates free fuel.
We have a 1-800 number too???

Tried something like that and was pressing out paper logs with a caulking gun with fender washers inside some PVC with drain holes, but the logs really didn't burn that well compared to wood.
The catalogs may be more valuable to save in case you run out of TP nowadays.
Just weld shut your bottom two boxes, problem solved.

@Yakster The trick is to use about 20 percent sawdust from the local saw mill.
Send me your name, address, and credit card number. I'll make sure you get off the list.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.