A no cigar trade, I need gel, or beads. Anyone like coins? (Deal made!)
Posts: 717
Here's the thing, I need gel or beads for my new humidor. They say the humidifier that comes with it causes mold. But the problem is, if I buy anything else cigar-wise, my husband will not be amused and I told him I wouldn't. (no he does not rule my life, but I don't want to make him mad, we have a mutual agreement like this). Anyway, I don't have enough cigars yet to make a good trade. I only have a few. But I do have something else to offer, I have collector coins. Now I know many of you many not collect coins, but on the off chance someone does I'd like to make a trade. I realize the chances of someone liking coins AND having beads or gel to trade will be slim, so I will be ok if it doesn't happen. Here's a pic of my coins. My most expensive ones are the Morgan Silver dollars or Peace silver dollars. They were purchased for and are worth 33.00 dollars a piece. I do not want to get rid of more than one of them. If you don't want one of them, just pick out something else in the box.
Just a side note..not trying to be an ass but my name is spelled Royln..LOL if you think spelling it is hard, try to pronouce it.
its actually pronouced Raw-Lyn.
Rhonda if you wanna PM me your addy I can get the beads out to you this week. I will include the mesh bag that comes with them for you to put the beads into.
Tell hubby you're worth the extra coin (hell , you can spend that much on a nice dinner out), & then prove it to him. Everybody wins.