Always! I just got a wine-a-dor with two sides to keep down on any confusion, that has always been a concern of mine. There are two ways to donate, mail sticks to my address with a note to go out with them or buy something from our zazzle store ( The zazzle store pays for the shipping overseas. Hopefully by the end of the week (next week) I will have paypal set up through our account, again, so nothing is missapropiated. WE ARE ALWAYS TAKING DONATIONS. WE ARE ALSO ALWAYS LOOKING FOR ADDRESSES OF SOLDIERS!
...and it has EVERYTHING to do with it! I got the logo here, I got the support here, I got the info here, and the majority of the donations for cigars comes from here. To my knowledge there are only a hand full of donations that came from elsewhere. I love doing it, and im glad I can with y'alls help!