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Irish and Robby AKA giveaways!

I'm sure you've noticed that both Irish and I are hosting giveaways sponsored by AKA Cigars with week. Jay Lundy reached out to Brett and I after we did our "head-to-head" review of the Hybrid and I think it's pretty cool that he is sponsoring both or our sites this week!

It's a great chance to launch Brett's new site and to drive a little traffic my way as well. Let's try to really blow this up! There is some overlap in the contests, so why note enter both? In the spirit of the game, I won't be entering in Brett's contest and I imagine he won't be entering in mine, but you guys can!

Here is a link to the contest on Irishman Cigar Reviews

Here is a link to the contest on RobbyRasReviews

Thanks for all your support guys! Hopefully this is the start of some good things for Irish and I!


  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great post Rob and thanks for the support! This evening I'll be updating the site with info and a link to Rob's site for ease of access via mine! Congrats on such a great site Rob and all the success, I keep pulling forbya buddy and I'm glad it's working out so well!!
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    Jay seems to be a super awesome customer oriented guy. Especially the facebook page
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    In this day and age you REALLY need to engage your customers... brand loyalty is as important as it has ever been... Jay does a GREAT job of engaging and keep his customers informed...
  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    Tbh I found it weird that it was a "person profile" which you must be friends with. I thought it would be a business page that you like. Awesome way for a small company to interact since He writes on walls
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Has anyone smoked the Respect yet? WHOOOOOOWEEEEEEEEEEE!

    If you're not paying attention, this thing will bite you!

  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    So I was reading up on the whole AKA cigar band ranking thing. Do the winners of the prize have to pick up the prize at the nearest aka facility? If so that would be a hike for some. xD
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    For my contest, Alex will be shipping the winnings. I'm not sure about Brett's, but I would imagine he would do the same.
  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rob, haven't had a chance to sit down and review the Respect yet, but I've heard it's a powerhouse from the Eiora facility and also uses tobacco ordered from Davidoff as well and that most of it is Ligero so I'm expecting it to be something fierce! Really excited to try it!

    Jay will ship directly to the three winners from my side of the contest FYI :)
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They've definatley got some great looking smokes and really sharp boxes. Hope to give them a try sometime.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    They've definatley got some great looking smokes and really sharp boxes. Hope to give them a try sometime.
    Well, between these 2 contests, 6 people are going to get to try them... so your chances are pretty good! There is some pretty cool swag to go along with the sticks also!
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Check out my review of the AKA Respect

    Be sure to comment and be entered into our Giveaway

  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    They've definatley got some great looking smokes and really sharp boxes. Hope to give them a try sometime.
    Well, between these 2 contests, 6 people are going to get to try them... so your chances are pretty good! There is some pretty cool swag to go along with the sticks also!
    +1 I really wanna try one so I hope I am one of 6. Too bad AKA hasn't ventured East yet.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Didn't get a chance to smoke this one yesterday, so I am being FORCED to smoke in the AM... ok, Forced is WAY too strong of a word...

  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    Didn't get a chance to smoke this one yesterday, so I am being FORCED to smoke in the AM... ok, Forced is WAY too strong of a word...

    Anxious to read your review. AKA has the nicest looking wrappers.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    AKA Hybrid Review posted on RobbyRasReviews.com

    Talk about a freakin roller coaster! Be sure to comment to stay entered in the Giveaway! Remember you have to comment on all 3 AKA posts... here is the giveaway info AKA Giveaway

  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The second set of codewords are now posted for the Irish side of the AKA and Irishman Cigar Scavenger Hunt Contest! Everything looks great with your site Rob and congrats on everything!!
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • scarlinscarlin Posts: 1,592
    90+ Irishman:
    The second set of codewords are now posted for the Irish side of the AKA and Irishman Cigar Scavenger Hunt Contest! Everything looks great with your site Rob and congrats on everything!!
    Suuuuuch original words haha.
  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Yep, Jay will be joining CigarChat today! We will kick things off with a Q&A and follow that with open chat as usual... He plans to be on hand the entire time, so be sure to join in... It's not everyday that you get an opportunity to ask the owner of a cigar brand questions about his brand and the industry... He's a very cool and is excited to chat with all of you!

    CigarChat kicks off at 4pm Pacific... here is the direct link CigarChat

    Jay will also give the "Winning Phrase" which is the final piece of the puzzle for our Giveaway! Just take note of the phrase and email it to me.

    So here is the giveaway recap: Friend Jay on Facebook, Post a comment on each AKA review and interview, get the 'Winning Phrase" at CigarChat and email it to me. Winner will be Announced on Friday! Here are more details AKA Giveaway Details

  • robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Just a reminder... we are closing this down at noon pacific! IT'S NOT TOO LATE!

    So here is the giveaway recap: Friend Jay on Facebook, Post a comment on each AKA review and interview, get the 'Winning Phrase" at CigarChat and email it to me. Winners will be Announced today! Here are more details AKA Giveaway Details

  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Rob and Brett for putting on the contest's. They were a lot of fun. :)
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got my winnings from AKA for Robs and Irishmans contest's. 10 sticks, lighter, cutter, necklace, baseball cap and some cool patches. Sorry no pics yet, wife is having trouble getting them to send but it sounds awesome and will post pics when I get them.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,072 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Finally got a pic of my winnings and they are Awesome!image
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