How to smoke inside W/O getting Caught

How do i get to smoke in my office without the smoke smell permeating my house? my wife would kill me if i made the house smell like smoke. i mean i don't want my office to smell like smoke after i'm done smoking either. all i want is to be able to smoke my cigars inside where its warm. i hate being banished to the garage with my small radiating heater in order to enjoy a smoke. all help is greatly appreciated.
Towel at bottom of door to keep smoke out of rest of the house.
Window open and small fan blowing out.
Ceiling fan on low.
I keep my ashtray near the fan in the window and rest the cigar in it most of the time.
After I'm done, I use some air freshener and then fabreeze on the chair and curtains. Then I let the room air out leaving the windows fan on and the ceiling fan on high. After about an hour nobody can tell I smoked in there. Also, candles can help get rid of the smell too. If I have them I'll light them while I'm smoking and leave them lit until after the room airs out.
Hope this helps.
I smoke out in my garage... My suggestion would be to get better heating in there. I don't have ANY insulation in my garage on the walls... Only on the ceiling... I have a kerosene forced air heater (it's multi-fuel, you can actually run diesel, fuel oil, or jet A in it) but I ONLY run kerosene... It's the ONLY fuel that won't leave any trace of bad fumes... The only "smell" I get out of the thing is a little puff you can smell when it kicks off...
Point is I've sat out here when it was 10 degrees out and a window open quite a bit (to vent the cigar smoke) and it's still perfectly cozy with this thing... The one I have is 55k BTU and has a built in thermostat... It works awesome...
Now back to why I'm avoiding your original question... I smoke in my GARAGE... Where there's a motorcycle... Paint cans... lawn mowers... lawn vacuums... 5 gallon jugs of kerosene, gas, and heli (RC model) fuel... sawdust... dirt...
On top of that, cement floor, no curtains, drapes, etc... no furniture (other than a few chairs and a poker table)
well you get the idea... anyway... even with all that and even if I haven't smoked for a week or better and left the window wide open the entire time... my garage STILL smells like cigar smoke when you walk in...
So if you have any thoughts of smoking indoors and NOT having it smell like it... forget it... Not gonna happen... Sure you might be able to minimize it with a few techniques, but it's STILL gonna be there...
better open the window also.
...and not have clothes on
... and shave your body and take a shower/brush your teeth when you are done.
even then shell smell it.
its how women work.
"Long ashes my friends."
That's exactly what I thought about when I first started reading this thread.....many times, in many dorm rooms
It is not a good manner to smoke in the office while your working hours.
wow, there are so many ways to answer this ... but I'll be nice.
LOL! I kid I kid!!!
Dude.....i choked on my beer as i was reading that ROFL!!!! Ohhhh the visual...:)