Holy **** what is this drama? I had to stop reading my eyes were tired lol....My goodness people its a fuc*in pass, there are much more important things in life to get upset about, like the fact that I have not posted a new hottie in days (coming soon btw)...
Sorry about the drama and the encyclopedia length of the opening post on this thread DD. I think you may have gotten the wrong impression of where I was coming from - this was TOTALLY not about the pass, rather about the absolute disrespect shown to a member of the forums.
I also agree that the lack of a daily hottie idol in a while is something to get upset about, and Im glad to see you got the wheels turning again on that.
Although you could have given A at least SOME competition in your comeback post... LOL
So why do you have to log your puts and takes on the list and take
pictures? If you are more than qualified to use your discretion why
do you need to log anything? The Gods are watching this pass. Pretty sure they can direct the participants with divine intervention if there is an issue.
Posting puts and takes says you are being judged. Either you trust them or you don't. Pretty simple.
Posted on 3/5/2012...
Having to post your puts and takes should never bother anyone. It is a smiple way to make sure the pass still has some quality cigars from start to finish.
I have missed all of this and just read this thread after posting in the general forums on RCY's post about not being so active here anymore. This is one of the things I am talking about. THis used to be the best place to be and everyone was like a family. So much fighting, arguing, smart remarks, unnecessary innuendos, and putting your nose into other peoples business when it has nothing to do with you.
Not taking sides on this issue or saying who is right or wrong. Just saying that stumbling on this thread highlights things RCY and I discussed and has resulted in the loss of some really great members.
Just to clarify my statement above. In no way was that directed towards sniper. I didn't read the original thread and did not know all the facts so I didn't want to take sides without all the facts. But from what sniper pointed out I think Marker's behavior is wrong. If someone here is doing a game, pass, trade, or anything else that you do not like or not involved in why do you have to make negative posts? If you don't like it start your own game, pass, trade, or whatever and set it up the way you want. If you don't like the way an event is going don't get involved. It doesn't do anyone any good for guys to make negative comments in threads that have absolutely no effect on them or their lives. Totally pointless and uncalled for.
We are all friends and a very forgiving group. Hopefully the parties involved can all get things worked out and we can all move on.
Posted on 3/5/2012...
Not taking sides on this issue or saying who is right or wrong. Just saying that stumbling on this thread highlights things RCY and I discussed and has resulted in the loss of some really great members.
Just kind of makes me sad.
We are all friends and a very forgiving group. Hopefully the parties involved can all get things worked out and we can all move on.
Your last line says it best and hopefully will be the last word on this whole ugly affair.
I think we should all take Jsnake's counsel and forgive, and get back to why we are all here. CIGARS and FRIENDS.