Camacho Havana Monarca Cigar

Thought I would shoot this out for those looking for a good cigar and not break your wallet.
I just recently had a chance to try a Camacho Havana for the first time. Most people would say Camacho anything is great and I happen to agree but this is one I have yet to try and have not heard a whole lot about. The great thing is I got a box of 25 Monarca's for $99. Not bad! This is a Honduran Puro, and contains Corojo Filler and Binder like many of Camachos cigars. The Criollo wrapper mellows this cigar out a bit leaving just short of full bodied. The Camacho Havana starts with a heavy leather flavor that changes throughout the first third becoming very coffee like but has that nice pepper throughout the whole smoke.
The Havana may not be a top shelf cigar, however for the price it is well worth it and you don't break the bank. For you old guys like myself you might remember the Habana Gold Sterling label Cigar during the Cigar boom. You could get for about $60 a box and it was a great smoke. This reminds me very much of the Habana Gold Sterling Label. Hope this helps.
I just recently had a chance to try a Camacho Havana for the first time. Most people would say Camacho anything is great and I happen to agree but this is one I have yet to try and have not heard a whole lot about. The great thing is I got a box of 25 Monarca's for $99. Not bad! This is a Honduran Puro, and contains Corojo Filler and Binder like many of Camachos cigars. The Criollo wrapper mellows this cigar out a bit leaving just short of full bodied. The Camacho Havana starts with a heavy leather flavor that changes throughout the first third becoming very coffee like but has that nice pepper throughout the whole smoke.
The Havana may not be a top shelf cigar, however for the price it is well worth it and you don't break the bank. For you old guys like myself you might remember the Habana Gold Sterling label Cigar during the Cigar boom. You could get for about $60 a box and it was a great smoke. This reminds me very much of the Habana Gold Sterling Label. Hope this helps.
compared to other camachos it is not as good. but compared to cigars in general, this is better than most.