The dog

So I wake up last night with the smell of skunk in the air. My wife says, "there was on outside when I let the dog in." Still groggy I lay back down but 15 min. later I still smell it just as strong and the windows are down. I get up to see what's going on but outside the air is fresh and clean. Inside I go but it still reeks. Can a skunk get in the attic she asks, well I guess so up I go but it seems good there too. Then as my head began to clear I yell go smell the dog! Then I hear Oooh! That is the problem! OMG, she let the dog in the bedroom after being sprayed by a skunk. Now that is bad enough but all of my smokes are in there too! The smell had filled the whole house by then so even moving them to a different spot was not helpful. I have finally got the room smelling good again. The dog after a shave, 2 tomato baths, and yet another bath with baking soda, smells not quite tolerable and is out side. I have not opened my sticks yet, and I don't think I will today. I hope that they are OK! What was she thinking! Why did it take me so long to think what about the dog! Crap!
Post edited by TheCigarChick on
second vote.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
The last time was pretty funny though. The dog chasing the skunk....skunk chasing the chasing the skunk....the dog thought it was a game, the skunk did not.
This recipe works really well for skunked dogs. We also use Nature's Miracle on the carpet and furniture.
Anyone know how to deter skunks from the yard? My family isn't keen on sharing the back yard with the skunk(s) that show up this time of year when we're chilling in the back yard, especially when watching a movie on the projector.
I had a dog that would go to the beach, find a dead and rotting gull carcass and roll in it, come home reeking. Maybe they get high from the aroma overwhelming their sense of smell, sort of how very loud metal music overwhelms the sense of hearing.
Our pit bull mix used to bury chewed up pigs ears in the yard and then roll around in it later. I gave up on pigs ear treats.
My dogs who've had a confrontation with a skunk definitely do not want the smell of skunk on them, though. They're happy to be rid of the skunk smell.
We had a Husky mix that would find the gut piles of whitetails in the woods during hunting season. Edwina would roll in it and bring home the heads. Only way to get the head away from her was to trade. Hot dogs worked well. Kept her outside during hunting season.
That's the compassionate thing to do. She went to all that trouble to smell fantastic, doggie perfume....