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seagarloverseagarlover Posts: 437
Questions: 1] How do I post Pictures in my Post or Replys 2] when I reply to a post is my reply seen by all in that post or just the person I'm replying to. Please Help


  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    Questions: 1] How do I post Pictures in my Post or Replys 2] when I reply to a post is my reply seen by all in that post or just the person I'm replying to. Please Help
    Review the Newbie thread - there is a good section on how to post pics - you'll need very basic html skills, and a place to host your pics (private web server, or flickr, or?)
    Your reply is for all to see - you can PM someone, and then things stay private - Look at some of the Newbie threads here - lots of good stuff, and welcome.
  • seagarloverseagarlover Posts: 437
    Thank You KINGOFTHECOVE, One more STUPID Question Where do I find the Newbie Thread in what area. And thanks again, I LUV this site, Thanks so much
  • bigfnstevebigfnsteve Posts: 1,435 ✭✭✭
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everything you want to know & more. CLICK HERE
    (I also suggest bookmarking the links for future reference, it will save you lots of time searching for it.)

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    Thank You KINGOFTHECOVE, One more STUPID Question Where do I find the Newbie Thread in what area. And thanks again, I LUV this site, Thanks so much
    there's also this one
  • seagarloverseagarlover Posts: 437
    I DID IT, THANKS U GUYS Photobucket
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