reviews for lighters and ashtrays

Hi Guys.
I'm in the market for a new ashtray and lighter. Any recommendations based on your personal experience? I've been looking at those stinky ashtrays on sprint sale but keep losing haha. In terms of lighters, I've read new reviews but am more interested in long term reviews. Had a few that just crapped out on me w/in the first 3-4 months (and yes, i did correctly bleed, refuel, etc).
Thanks brothers!
For my tastes, I like single flames simply for touch up purposes. I don't feel the need to light my cigar in two seconds with a double or triple although it is nice. I have a stinky....and it's great!
Ash trays are personal style preference, imho. As long as you get a cigar ashtray and not a cigarette ashtray, you should be fine with whatever you think is cool!