American Idol!!!

No no no, I'm not a fan wanting to discuss the show, I just was wondering... HOW LONG DOES THIS CRAP GO ON??? I'm sick and tired of hearing about it on the news every morning like it is some major issue of national importance... Seriously, how long does it take to realize everyone on the show sucks?
HOWEVER, i must admit... I have, on occasion, watched the female contestants perform whilst the tv was muted. I.E. katherine mcphee, carrie underwood, and that one bikini chick from early this season. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm delicious.
American "Idol" Humph, this show sucks royal ass! If i want to see hot chicks i'll look up internet porn. I want to see a bunch of "idol" contestants come out dressed up like American Soldiers or Sailors carrying the tools of their trade...that would interest me...
Maybe a new reality show ... America Serves....what kind of music can you make with your weapon or weapons or whatever you use ...that would be fun
Suhweet man