Child Molesters.

Things I really hate.
Having A uncle to my oldest granddaughter molest her while her father was supposed to be watching her.
The law taking almost A full year to arrest him.
Not being able to become his executioner.
To make it all worse, I know that there are others out there like him.
This is really A bummer.
Having A uncle to my oldest granddaughter molest her while her father was supposed to be watching her.
The law taking almost A full year to arrest him.
Not being able to become his executioner.
To make it all worse, I know that there are others out there like him.
This is really A bummer.
May he find in prison what he chose to give while A free man.
Trinity Adam McCarthy, 19, of Rockmart was arrested by Polk County deputies on warrants charging him with sexual battery and child molestation. McCarthy remains in custody at the time of this publication with no bond set.
Trinity Adam McCarthy, 19, of Rockmart was arrested by Polk County deputies on warrants charging him with sexual battery and child molestation. McCarthy remains in custody at the time of this publication with no bond set.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Before I get flamed, this is my educated opinion and does not take into account my personal feelings in regard to these individuals or the courts given my life experiences. Mr Beckom, I understand your sentiments and your family is in my prayers.
Cuff his ankle to an eyebolt at the bottom of a pool. Set out spit jars on the counters of every seven eleven, with a picture of the victim, the perp, and a synopsis of the crime. Everyone gets to contribute a loogie. Collect the jugs, pour the contents in the pool. He disgusts enough people, he gets to drown in their disgust.
A very large majority of the vicitms never get help, are put in a situation where for years they are held psychologically captive by their molestor, and then reach adulthood....only to continue the cycle. Those people deserve help, as unfortunately the only way they get it is by putting themselves in the same situation.
As an educated society, that is the right the thing to do even though we all want to kill the mofo. My sentiments are the exact same and no different than anyone here....other than death penalty no rehabilitation. How else are we going to find out why they didn't come forth, find out trigger behaviors, find out neuropsych associations, establish behavioral patterns, and determine fixations. If we kill them, we learn nothing, and the cycle continues....
Spent quite some time in a 24 year career in psych and neurological disorders studies, research, pharma consulting, blah, blah, etc.. Don't want to get into citing one study versus another, the flaws of each and all that.
But there is one thing that can't be disputed. There are MANY people who have been molested/abused who DO NOT continue the cycle.
There are MANY molesters who were NEVER molested in their youth (many lie about it).
Are there molesters who were themselves molested? Of course.
Should they be given a chance at rehabilitation and let out "early" once the panel feels they are "rehabilitated? F.... no!
There are some lines that should never be crossed.
There's a reason molesters don't do well in prisons.............
As A matter of fact he was molested as A child. That being said, it in no way excuses his actions. I feel that as an adult he should be held accountable for his actions to the fullest extent of the law. I now, thanks to this pervert, have A granddaughter that is afraid to be in the same room with A young male, including her own family. I'm thinking of the situation from my granddaughter's point of view. I am pissed. Death is indeed too good for this monster.
Accountability. They commit A crime they should be held accountable. I was bullied as A child, I am not A bully.
Pull the trigger. Something to think about. Fortunately the law found him first. I might have been the exception to the rule. Who knows what we will do in certain situations?