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My Palate and My Thoughts

RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
Well guys and gals, there is one thing that really intrigues me about our hobby. That's right you guess it, my palate. A few days ago, I had a conversation with a older gentleman at my B&M. I asked him why when I see him, he always has a Padron in his hand. It does not matter if it's a Padron 2000 or one of the Anniversary series. He will not change from that brand. He told me, "son, at this age you know what you like and what suits your palate. Why waste your money and your time on smoking cigars you don't like? Or better yet, find okay". I thought about what he said for a while. While having this conversation and dwelling on some of his points. I came to the conclusion that he is a cigar smoker. I am too, but I also collect them which makes me a hobbyist. Which in return makes me enjoy the pleasure of smoking a cigar more. Which could lead down another topic. But anyway, I posted a picture of a cigar I smoked the other day. And this topic sorta came up again for me while posting with Dennis. Before I go any further. This is not a rant or anything like that. Just a subject that interest me. Back to what I was talking about. I happen to have enjoyed that cigar very much. So much to the point that I made it clear that it was box worthy for me. Dennis posted after some comments. In which he didn't have a good experience with the same cigar. I remember being in Germany when I was really just starting out smoking. One of my rookie mistakes was buying boxes of cigars. One of them happen to be the CAO Brazilia Amazon. This cigar tore me apart. It was strong and I did not like it at all. LT(Lakota72) told me he had no problem taking them off my hands. But I should try a smaller size, which I did. I didn't like them either and I believe they were the Lambada size. A year and a half later. I bought some Gol!'s, they are the robusto size. And I still can't get into them. I posted in Top 3 you dont want....in your humi that I didn't want these anymore. I recieved almost ten responses to that in PM's. Which let's me know that all those guys including LT likes them. But not me, which makes me wonder why is that? I know a lot of it had to with the strength of it. Which I have noted for sure. What I think is mild to full strength is not what some think and what is said in some magazines about cigars. Dennis opened my eyes when he called the cigar I smoked a mild cigar. I did not say anything at the time. But, I did post that it was medium to me. Wow, now I'm questioning my experience with cigars. Not in a good or bad way. But in a way that truly defines us all. We (people in general) are different in many ways. Sad to say a little, I was thinking I don't enjoy to many full body cigars. But that's crazy, because I enjoy Camacho cigars to death. And I don't feel sickly or have a bad taste about them. Which brings me back to our palates. Everyone is unique and will have a different experience for the most, I guess :). Anyway, I applaud anyone that has taken the time and interest in my little post here, lol. Just a little bit of my thoughts for today. Thanks for reading.....



  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with what you're saying, Rick. I've been trying every cigar I could find/afford for over 3 years, now, looking for that 'perfect smoke' and I'm still not sure if I'll ever find it. I'm wondering just how long it takes for a person's palate to develop.

    I've tried the gamut - from mild to rip-off-your-head-and-spit-down-your-throat and only a few stand out in my memory. At the moment, I've reverted to the mild stage once more. Connies seem pretty good to me right now but I'm sure I'll get bored with 'em before long and then I don't know what I'll be obsessing about. Oh, well, life's a mystery, isn't it??
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Agree 100%....it's funny because the guys I smoke with actually get excited about smokes we don't like when we know someone else will. We've started to learn our palates and tastes. But i still feel weird when someone gifts me a smoke and I hate it... Everytime I come across something I say...this is it, it just gets added to the lsit really. I would have no problem smoking only Padron the rest of my life as they are what got me in, and the higher I go the more impressed I get. I could say the same about Opus, even though I've only had one.

    Either way....in the immortal words of BandyT....a cigar is just a cigar. The personal enjoyment is what it is all about and the experience.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    I agree with what you're saying, Rick. I've been trying every cigar I could find/afford for over 3 years, now, looking for that 'perfect smoke' and I'm still not sure if I'll ever find it. I'm wondering just how long it takes for a person's palate to develop.

    Something Ive noticed, and maybe it goes without saying for most (but was a revelation for me) is that my palate is NOT a static thing - its always changing. I'll try something Im crazy about, fall in love with it, buy a box, smoke up half of it... then revisit it again several months down the road and think "WHAT was it about this I loved so much?"

    Works the other way too, as Ive bought five packs of cigars and tried them with my initial opinion being "They're OK, but not a grand slam...". Forget about a few of them in the bottom of the humi, revisit and be like OMG THESE ARE AWESOME!!! I just figured it was the difference some aging made (and this could be part of it as was the case for me with 601 Green's & Cubao's), but now Ive gotta wonder how much a changing palate plays in it.

    Only one solution I can see to the issue boys - KEEP SMOKING! :-)

  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I think personality has something to do with it too. Some people just want the same experience every time. They don't want to try new things, it's just not enjoyable for them. Others, like myself, always want variety.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    I hope to never find the perfect smoke for me. If that happens I'll get bored and never smoke again.
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,244 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with everything you guys are saying. I'm trying to develop my palate so I think that's definitely part of the reason why I want to try as much as I can.
    And also, I'm with you Rick, if I don't like a cigar & think that it's "bad", I will usually give it 1 or 2 more chances usually in different vitolas - just to rule out the possibility of it being an anomaly and to make sure it's actually a blend I don't like before writing it off completely.

    I'm also trying to find the ever-elusive "perfect" smoke....but I don't think I'll ever find it. Mainly because of what Russ said....
    Others, like myself, always want variety.
    I couldn't imagine only smoking one brand of cigar, there's just too much else out there to try. I can understand having mostly one brand if that's what you enjoy, but I would still be open to trying others - "variety is the spice of life" you know.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    The Sniper:
    I agree with what you're saying, Rick. I've been trying every cigar I could find/afford for over 3 years, now, looking for that 'perfect smoke' and I'm still not sure if I'll ever find it. I'm wondering just how long it takes for a person's palate to develop.

    Something Ive noticed, and maybe it goes without saying for most (but was a revelation for me) is that my palate is NOT a static thing - its always changing. I'll try something Im crazy about, fall in love with it, buy a box, smoke up half of it... then revisit it again several months down the road and think "WHAT was it about this I loved so much?"

    Works the other way too, as Ive bought five packs of cigars and tried them with my initial opinion being "They're OK, but not a grand slam...". Forget about a few of them in the bottom of the humi, revisit and be like OMG THESE ARE AWESOME!!! I just figured it was the difference some aging made (and this could be part of it as was the case for me with 601 Green's & Cubao's), but now Ive gotta wonder how much a changing palate plays in it.

    Only one solution I can see to the issue boys - KEEP SMOKING! :-)

    To add another one. I remember AlienMisprint sent a fiver of Carlos Torano Dominico's from 2009 in a troop bombing that you guys in the forum did for my unit. I recall smoking it and posting about how good it was. AlienMisprint said he wasn't too thrill by them. But, he had not smoked one since 2009 and that they had been resting. Man, maybe the time did the cigar a lot of justice or I just have a palate that is very different. At any rate, like Sniper said. Keep smoking fellas :).
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Posts: 2,629 ✭✭✭
    I remember Rick when you sent me a mazo of the Carlos Torano Dominico. That was my first exposure to the Torano line and that one not only turned out to be a favorite but now I smoke most of the Torano line. At this point in my cigar life I pretty much stay with what I like and don't purchase mixed samplers like I use to do.

    What I find most interesting is how sites I purchase from all rate each brand differently when it comes to flavor and strength profile. What some say are mild will have your head spinning running for the bushes and I have smoked some that were rated Full on both profiles and to me seemed medium. For now I have found many I would consider "My Perfect Smoke" and those boxes are tucked nice and safe in my coolidor

  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    I remember Rick when you sent me a mazo of the Carlos Torano Dominico. That was my first exposure to the Torano line and that one not only turned out to be a favorite but now I smoke most of the Torano line. At this point in my cigar life I pretty much stay with what I like and don't purchase mixed samplers like I use to do.

    What I find most interesting is how sites I purchase from all rate each brand differently when it comes to flavor and strength profile. What some say are mild will have your head spinning running for the bushes and I have smoked some that were rated Full on both profiles and to me seemed medium. For now I have found many I would consider "My Perfect Smoke" and those boxes are tucked nice and safe in my coolidor

    I've seen this time and time again. I have limit my reading in that regard. I take what I've learned about my taste buds and try not to think about what I have read. This is another reason why I have not done a ton of reviews. Because I have read a bunch of them. In all honesty, I write about each cigar I smoke. Basically a generalization of it's character. Just so I can remember it. But, when one jumps out at me. I remind myself to smoke it again. And that's when I do I full blown review. It's funny to me when I do this. People tend to have a different taste or thought. I remember seeing Kuzi's wheel tasting or something like that. I have to print that one out again. It help me out with distinguishing different tastes. Anyway, I think I'm starting to do run-on sentences, lol. The computer is getting blurry, lol....

  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    Rick, I just read your post so before I type more, give me my deserved applause. *tick tok tick tok* ok. Thank you. So for me, especially on this forum, I have this insecurity of posting what I taste in a cigar. I'm by no means an expert (quite the novice actually). But what I taste might not be what others taste. And at times, I think I might give off the wrong impression of what the cigar is. Then again, I don't want to just say "this was good." haha I don't know what I'm really saying per se... But I think I'll start posting more things about what I truly taste. I think overall, it's fairly subjective.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Rick, I just read your post so before I type more, give me my deserved applause. *tick tok tick tok* ok. Thank you. So for me, especially on this forum, I have this insecurity of posting what I taste in a cigar. I'm by no means an expert (quite the novice actually). But what I taste might not be what others taste. And at times, I think I might give off the wrong impression of what the cigar is. Then again, I don't want to just say "this was good." haha I don't know what I'm really saying per se... But I think I'll start posting more things about what I truly taste. I think overall, it's fairly subjective.
    I think you're absolutely right - and thats one of the things that make this hobby great! You and I can sit side by side on the patio smoking the same stick and have two very different experiences. That can be because of lots of factors, not just how out paletes differ but even things such as our respective moods or even what kind of day we each had. Id say to never be afraid to post your impressions of a cigar - you're sharing your experiences which is never a bad thing, and it may result in someone who reads it deciding to try it themselves and falling in LOVE with a stick they may not otherwise have tried, which is an AWESOME thing. :-)

  • big chunksbig chunks Posts: 1,607
    Great post, I'm still developing my palate i been smoking for about a year and a half and I still can't define what I'm tasting but I know what I like and what I don't, Long Ashes my friends
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,917
    I have the same problems but I find who I am with has an effect as well. I'm glad it keeps changing for now, I love trying new stuff. If I'm not enjoying it after 5-10 minutes, I toss it and try something else. Nothing will taste exactly the same twice consistently. Lastly, it depends what mood I'm in.
  • Bucking_WBucking_W Posts: 208 ✭✭
    A lot of the older crowd believe that quote "son, at this age you know what you like and what suits your palate. Why waste your money and your time on smoking cigars you don't like?" I've smoked cigars for about 17 yrs and I have my Cigar as well, but there are some really good cigars out there and I still enjoy trying new ones and occasionally buying a box if it is something I really enjoyed. I get giged by the older ones when I bring in something new, they call it "internet ***" lol! This was a good post I enjoyed reading it. I might add that the internet has been a blessing with people creating reviews and online shops bringing out sampler packs. Use to if you're B&M didn't carry it you had to buy a box from a magazine and like you said, if it was a **** your stuck with 24 turds.
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    This is a really great post. I'm glad you and I could bounce our thoughts off each other. In our group, there is always so much talk about cigars we ALL enjoy like MOW for example. We never really get in to differences of opinion on higher end sticks. Sure, there's debate over cheap stuff but for example, when was the last time you heard a debate about an Anejo, Opus, or Padron Anny.
    I like Scotch and that's also a very subjective thing. I like the heavy peated smokey stuff. My Scotch drinking buddy likes fruity / carmel like stuff. We both enjoy it but there is a blend that fits us just right. Just like that old guy and his Padron. However, I'm a hobbyist and I like the discovery of new blends and collecting stuff. I know what I like but I like to try other stuff as well. I'm not afraid to toss a stick though if it doesnt fit in to my preferred profile. Again, this is a great post Rick.
  • I agree, I have my favorites tucked away (Oliva conectticut reserves) but with company playing poker or having a nice drink with my buds i tend to find myself smoking fuller body cigars, not necessarily enjoying them in true fashion but finding them to be "good" smokes because everyone in the room is smoking something similar and genuinely having a good time. Funny how that works as well. Burn em slow friends.
  • was agreeing with james40 btw still getting use to this forum
  • bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
    big chunks:
    Great post, I'm still developing my palate i been smoking for about a year and a half and I still can't define what I'm tasting but I know what I like and what I don't, Long Ashes my friends
    This is my case as well, though I did detect that "meaty" flavor from the 5v AAA I just finished that kuzi talks about in AJ's blends. Part of the difficulty for me is how different some of these descriptors smell, mainly wood and leather.
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    This is a really great post. I'm glad you and I could bounce our thoughts off each other. In our group, there is always so much talk about cigars we ALL enjoy like MOW for example. We never really get in to differences of opinion on higher end sticks. Sure, there's debate over cheap stuff but for example, when was the last time you heard a debate about an Anejo, Opus, or Padron Anny.
    I like Scotch and that's also a very subjective thing. I like the heavy peated smokey stuff. My Scotch drinking buddy likes fruity / carmel like stuff. We both enjoy it but there is a blend that fits us just right. Just like that old guy and his Padron. However, I'm a hobbyist and I like the discovery of new blends and collecting stuff. I know what I like but I like to try other stuff as well. I'm not afraid to toss a stick though if it doesnt fit in to my preferred profile. Again, this is a great post Rick.

    Interesting posts this week. I have to elaborate on my thoughts on some things that have been brought to my attention. But first Dennis, I never address your statement. Sorry for the long wait. A opinon is ones own thought or feelings about a topic. To further express my thoughts. This also ties in to some of what is being discussed in Alex's thread today. Dennis, I've smoked a bunch of high end cigars and budget cigars. IMO, this is all subjective in many ways. From your taste to price in a nutshell :). But to answer your question. I'm not a big fan of a lot of highend cigars. And it's not because of the price. I was a big Gurkha fan. I was also new to cigar smoking. I enjoyed the variety of cigars. Yet, the cost was pretty pricey on a bunch of them that I liked. It did not matter really of the cost. Because I would buy it because I like it. I fell of from buying them when the price dropped and their quality also. It made me rethink how I purchase cigars. I'm no where near to want to stick with one brand or cigar. But, I have narrowed to quality. Or better yet, what I call consistent quality. For example, Avo Classic, Padilla Series `68 and Perdomo Lot 23 Natural has been my most go to or what you may call yard gar. But, I keep the cabinet stocked with them. They are not the prettiest looking cigar out there. But they stand the test of time everytime I pull one out. I have a few highend boxes that I have inconsistent pleasures with. It's not a good feeling to have a Liga Privada T52 Flying Pig canoe on you and have burn issues. I have had that happen twice from the same box, ouchhh. Any way, I'm finding that I like the consistency of a quality brand as oppose to the one hit wonder. Yes, I know I have a bunch of them. But, I won't be buying boxes of them anymore. I will try a new brand for now on with one thing in mind. Buy one, if you like it. Buy a fiver and see what happens over the course of a year or two. The brand my not make them anymore or the cigar will change dramaticaly. As for a known brand that I like Camacho, Avo, Perdomo I've come to realize that the quality I get from them. Highend or budget, is a stable in my humidors because of consistency. AJ brands I'll take any day over the one hit wonder. Consistency is my pleasure, you know what your getting. That's why I like a variety of different cigars... Well, I think I'm through rumbling. I didn't want to jack up Alex thread. Of course, these are just My Opinons on a few topics.
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    Okay, I'm all over the place this morning. No cigar, but time enough to type. Go figure, lol. A topic that has me in the questioning mode. Smoking a cigar while in your yard, playing golf or before you have to work. I can't do it, I've tried. The only time I can get anything out of the cigar is in the morning before work. But, I have to plan like heck to make that happen. If not, time will kill the experience. I tried having a cigar while mowing my yard and got frustrated as heck. It either kept going out or the ash was everywhere on me. Was not a good experience. Lastly, I went golfing this weekend. This was by far the worst game I played in a long time. The guys I was with said if I was not tending to my cigar so much. I would have played better. Look, I thought I was not tending to as much as I would like too. Which in turn, made the whole experience bad. I'm learning that I'm not a recreational smoker. There for the cigars I have are not what we call yard gars. Because the thought behind a yard gar is that you do not have to pay attention to it. And I want to pay attention to a Carlos Torano Dominico and a Opus X. Is this me starting to be snobbish with the hobby? Or is this me and my palate changing and wanting to learn more and enjoy each experience. Granted, I'm still that guy that will walk up to my humidor and pull a highend stick for no apparent reason. Only to smoke it. AHHH, the light bulb just came on.

    I have a cigar to make for a better experience of my day. Where most will have one for a special moment or because it reminds them of a certain time or place. Man, I like figuring my palate out, lol. Thanks for reading whoever you are. Once again, just my thoughts. Your thoughts is much appreciated as well....

  • bbass2bbass2 Posts: 1,059 ✭✭
    I've tried smoking while doing random yardwork or the like and it doesn't work for me either. It completely takes the enjoyment away so now if I don't have time to sit and enjoy a cigar then I don't smoke one.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    I'm with you on that Rick, I cannot either unless I sit down adn enjoy it. For some reason though, the one smoke I have that I can do that with and actually enjoy it a bit, the Origen Originals. I guess I don't feel bad chomping down on them and paying no attention. But for the most part, nope.
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    I was starting to think I was the only one, lol. At least you guys understand where I'm coming from with this.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    I was starting to think I was the only one, lol. At least you guys understand where I'm coming from with this.
    its a waste of a smoke to me. For some reason though, I can chew on the Origen like eastwood and still enjoy it...but that's it.
  • RCY_CigarsRCY_Cigars Posts: 5,493 ✭✭✭
    I may try that. I have not had one in a long while. But even those I like. This will be continued if the weather holds up. I'll be playing this weekend. Thanks for the suggested cigar. I think I have about two or three left.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    RCY Cigars:
    I may try that. I have not had one in a long while. But even those I like. This will be continued if the weather holds up. I'll be playing this weekend. Thanks for the suggested cigar. I think I have about two or three left.
    I just realized I have none...damnit. I guess its the vitola really, and they always seem to be a bit tight. I never pay to much attention to them, but still enjoy them in that setting. Otherwise, i jsut wait until I am done mowing the lawn lol.
  • JDHJDH Posts: 2,107
    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sigmund Freud

    You know, I don't try a lot of different bourbons, or wine anymore, 'cause I know what I like. I'm getting the same way with my cigars. I've decided that I'm really not a collector, so more often than not, I'm sticking to two or three cigars most of the time, because I know what I like.

    I don't expect perfection in my friends, because nobody is perfect, so why should I expect it from my cigar?. I know what I like. I probably won't stop trying new cigars altogether, but I'm all for slowing down a bit and enjoying the ones I know I will enjoy.
  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    Rick - I've basically started doing what you're doing lately (w/in the last 3 weeks or so). I just walk into one of my humis or wineador, pull out a high end stick w/o even thinking twice about it. Since doing this, I feel great. Prior to doing this, I would always just look at my high end / htf smokes and just think "oh man, I bet it's nice to smoke that." well screw it haha. Totally hear ya on the yardgars too. That's what I pick out when I'm pulling weeds in the backyard or watering all the plants. It's just enjoyable. I don't want to take a draw, stop, look at the burn line and ash, analyze the darn thing.
  • *Petey**Petey* Posts: 375
    Great posts all around Rick, thanks for sharing your thoughts man.

    Thats interesting that you have to carve out time to just sit and smoke. I don't think I could do that. I actually find that I have a hard time sitting still when I smoke a cigar. I find that I have to be doing something else to at least partially hold my attention, but I think it goes back to why I got into the hobby. I was a chewer. Not the kind of chewer that always had a cheek full, but if I had something mindess to do, like watching a movie or long road trips, or had to stay up all night studying in college I'd always have a pouch or redman on me.

    So now I actually get a bit antsy if i'm not doing something at least partially productive. Part of that is a ridiculously busy schedule, where my only time is once the little dude goes to bed and my wife and I can get outside together with the dogs, but even when I smoke solo, I'm still either reading, watching a movie, studying, or doing some mindless yardwork.

    Also I love your assessment of quality. I get a little tired of the majority of the focus being on limited or HTF sticks. Jiunn and I we're talking about this a little bit ago. I have more respect for the cigars that can consistently score in the 90s year in and year out than the one hit wonders, or limited stuff. On occassion limited stuff is cool, but there's been A LOT of that the last few years.

    Guess I ended up rambling a bit too . . . . . to summarize I agree with you on your assessment of quality.
  • denniskingdennisking Posts: 3,703 ✭✭✭
    To be honest, I won't hesitate to kill a high end stick on a normal occasion anymore. I would rather go for a great overall experience than something lackluster. I didn't used to be that way until last Christmas when I had some high end Fuentes and said "screw it".
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