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no more cigs

After months of debate and arguments withmyself I've decided to stop smoking cigs after 14 years (yes I really have been smoking since I was 11) this is my first day without a cigarette. I feel anxious but bored. Like I'm forgetting something and can't catch up. Can't wait to get a good gar lit up today.


  • GreenMachineGreenMachine Posts: 483
    Gratz to you!!!!!!!!
  • Gaetano7890Gaetano7890 Posts: 800 ✭✭✭
    Good luck Man. Coming from someone who has strugled with that same problem and has succeded my advice is to change you daily habits that invovled smoking ASAP and don't think you can have just one because you can't. What were we thinking I started at 12.
  • KCWKCW Posts: 1,334 ✭✭✭
    After months of debate and arguments withmyself I've decided to stop smoking cigs after 14 years (yes I really have been smoking since I was 11) this is my first day without a cigarette. I feel anxious but bored. Like I'm forgetting something and can't catch up. Can't wait to get a good gar lit up today.
    From someone who has done it. There will good days and bad days. You will only be as successful as your own will power. Be tough. Stay Tough. Tough it out and you can do it! The first few months will be the worse. After that; peice of cake. Good luck.
  • KCW:
    After months of debate and arguments withmyself I've decided to stop smoking cigs after 14 years (yes I really have been smoking since I was 11) this is my first day without a cigarette. I feel anxious but bored. Like I'm forgetting something and can't catch up. Can't wait to get a good gar lit up today.
    From someone who has done it. There will good days and bad days. You will only be as successful as your own will power. Be tough. Stay Tough. Tough it out and you can do it! The first few months will be the worse. After that; peice of cake. Good luck.
    Thanks for the support guys. My fiance is a ex smoker and she's behind me all the way. Though she understands also I will never give up my gars. She supports my hobby and lifestyle far as gars go hell she even comes ome with my favorites and she keeps track of stuff I haven't tried so she can surprise me and gets as bummed as I do when a cigar is a skunk for me. Lol. With support like this and you guys I don't see any problem kicking the habit.
  • seagarloverseagarlover Posts: 437
    I have the same PROBLEM, i fight with myself everyday all day, I will get up and say, Ok I have no CIGS today I will start with my CGARS. I have so many and worth so much it's a crime to continue to smoke CIGS. So as I go through the first half hour of the day, it hits me. I get into my car and go to 7/11 and buy a pack of CIGS, and then I say, OK after this I'm done. I do this everyday. To me, the Atributes in a CGAR are not the same as in a CIG, I do not get the same feeling with a CGAR as I do with a CIG, YOU Know what I mean. IT IS HARD, but I understand what U are going through. Do you know that in the past two weeks I have destroyed 6 packs if CIGS at $6.00 a pack, I will take out two or three and then I crush the pack, and then the next few hours I'm back at the store. SO YES I KNOW WHAT U ARE GOING THROUGH, You and I need to keep intouch and quit together. try to have a non CIG day. GOOD LUCK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGARLOVER SIMI VALLEY, CA P.S. MY E-MAIL IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR ANY AND ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERS OR WHAT EVER IS ON ANYBODYS MIND. CIGAR@USA.COM
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    For you guys who are trying to quit cigarettes, I'm rooting for ya. I can tell you an easy way to do it but nobody will want to try it. Just keep smoking 'em until you develop heart disease and need bypass surgery to deal with it. When you come out of surgery you can quit cold turkey. I've had absolutely no cravings for cigarettes since I had my bypass surgery in 1994.

    When folks think of the bad things you can get from smoking cigarettes, most folks think of cancer. Heart disease is right up there, as is emphysema, but folks hardly ever think of those. And they can kill ya just as dead as cancer.

    After my surgery I went for 14 years smoking nothing. Then I gradually started with cigars. This wasn't a plan - it just worked out that way. But I sure never craved a cigarette after that. And I don't inhale my cigars, either.

    But keep on trying to kick the cigarettes, guys. I'll hold good thoughts for ya.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    I quit and wouldn't talk to anyone about it for a year. People mean well when asking about cravings and such but it just makes it worse. You can do it Bruddah
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    After months of debate and arguments withmyself I've decided to stop smoking cigs after 14 years (yes I really have been smoking since I was 11) this is my first day without a cigarette. I feel anxious but bored. Like I'm forgetting something and can't catch up. Can't wait to get a good gar lit up today.
    From someone who has done it. There will good days and bad days. You will only be as successful as your own will power. Be tough. Stay Tough. Tough it out and you can do it! The first few months will be the worse. After that; peice of cake. Good luck.
    +1. I quit January of 2010. First couple weeks were rough for me, after that I was good. What was tough for me was finding something to do or replace the times I always smoked everyday. Like in the morning or car ride to work or at night when son went to bed. Like clockwork those were same time everyday.

  • JHewey:
    After months of debate and arguments withmyself I've decided to stop smoking cigs after 14 years (yes I really have been smoking since I was 11) this is my first day without a cigarette. I feel anxious but bored. Like I'm forgetting something and can't catch up. Can't wait to get a good gar lit up today.
    From someone who has done it. There will good days and bad days. You will only be as successful as your own will power. Be tough. Stay Tough. Tough it out and you can do it! The first few months will be the worse. After that; peice of cake. Good luck.
    +1. I quit January of 2010. First couple weeks were rough for me, after that I was good. What was tough for me was finding something to do or replace the times I always smoked everyday. Like in the morning or car ride to work or at night when son went to bed. Like clockwork those were same time everyday.

    yep same struggles for me here ive found cherry jolly ranchers to be a great subsitute minus the fact i went through a bag of them today lol
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Posts: 3,084 ✭✭
    been 4 years for me, I started, getting chest pains and quit cold turkey. No cravings at all.
  • stadstad Posts: 396 ✭✭
    So how is it going?? I'm going to start tomorrow, wife laid down the law and said she'd cut me off. She's hot so that kind of stinks. I'll let you know how I do.
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    After months of debate and arguments withmyself I've decided to stop smoking cigs after 14 years (yes I really have been smoking since I was 11) this is my first day without a cigarette. I feel anxious but bored. Like I'm forgetting something and can't catch up. Can't wait to get a good gar lit up today.
    You can do it!! Way to go bud.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • Medic45Medic45 Posts: 1,906 ✭✭✭
    Thanks to this thread I have been smoke free for 3 days although I have an avg of 2 cigars and I have been chewing which has helped but the night time coughs suck
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    I have to admit that my attempt didn't go as well as planned. I quit as a birthday present to my wife on April 15th, but the last couple of weeks have been really stressful and I broke over and started again. I applaud you on your desire and efforts to quit. As soon as some things clear up I'm chunking them again.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Do it cold turkey gentlemen...even if it means cigars. After years of trying everything....cold turkey and a dozen xanax did the trick. I literally never want to smoke again and have no problem with anyone smoking around me. Only after quitting for a year, did I pick up this habit...and I still never crave a cigarette or find the need to inhale.
  • JHeweyJHewey Posts: 2,421 ✭✭✭
    Do it cold turkey gentlemen...even if it means cigars. After years of trying everything....cold turkey and a dozen xanax did the trick. I literally never want to smoke again and have no problem with anyone smoking around me. Only after quitting for a year, did I pick up this habit...and I still never crave a cigarette or find the need to inhale.
    Yup I quit cold turkey and still had my gf smoking around me. So no problems with people smoking around me. Its was a year and a half for me before I started this cigar thing.
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