Ammo Box Humidor

You know, there are several ongoing discussions on this board with deployed heroes who don't have a cigar store handy. Got to thinking what do they have. I wonder: Has anyone here contrived a humidor from an ammo box? They're airtight, and these guys could lay their hands on one. Seems like an ammo box big enough to hold a proper cedar cigar box or two might do the trick. Is there something in the metal or paint that makes that a dumb idea?
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
That being said, there's a couple of guys that I work with that use .50 cal and 20mm boxes.
Let them air out for a while outside, then after a few days, add some baking soda in a container, close it up for a few more days.
You should be good after that. Take out the baking soda, add some Boveda packs and you're on your way.
Creative for sure, that smell will be hard to clear out. But if can get it done. It would be a great idea all around.
The ammo box was alright and worked great, but the cigars were pretty much dog rockets.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
mea culpa dumba mia I'll shut uppa
Let me know if you ever need any DIY plans or tips on building one - would be glad to share my experiences. You can build one if a weekend if you have the right parts. Although it can get expensive real quick with the current prices of ammo cans and quality spanish cedar.
After years of dreaming about it, I recently actually started selling mine if you're looking for a turn key solution. I sell them as Ammodors - check them out at
The default one is a 7.62mm ammo can but he also makes .50 cal cans.
Custom paint jobs and quality workmanship throughout.
Here's a link to a review:
Gonna wait till the flea opens back up this Spring and see if the ammo can guy comes back again.
Might try one as a yardgar humi.
Besides, if I need an eight buck excuse to stroll the flea, here it is.
If you don't know, coatings wont stick to "any" oil saturated surface, even if it ends up looking good at first it will eventually pop of from the contaminated surface, I have used this item many times, even on a car break shop concrete floor that was severely coated with break fluid and dust ground into the concrete from years of break jobs, they wanted to paint the floor with aliphatic urethane to make bright and white floors to update there shop, and this stuff worked like a charm
I'm not sure about the product itself messing up smells after from itself, but it turns the oils into a soapy residue that can be scrubbed again with (I used T.S.P or sometimes Tide powder) but could use like Dawn dish detergent, like you would a new cooler
I haven't used this for "Humidor" needs But thinking about it I would love to try if I get the chance
This guy on Etsy makes and sells them. i got one not long ago. GREAT quality. A few of my friends just ordered some. This guy sells them in different sizes too.
pic link thingy not working. Sorry
When someone searches something, it brings up forum posts and draws these folks like flies.
Then they post to every thread they feel is relevant.
That said, that is a pretty cool humi.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.