Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

Covert Op



  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    To all the gentlemen who participated in the covert op, you will find this hysterical. So I noticed the giant box and a grin spread across my face because I had a feeling that this one was going to explode so I walked out into the garage and handed it to Brett and let him set off the bomb...it was hysterical! I love him so much but he can be kind of dumb on occasion so I let him blow up our garage! You should have seen his face I wish I had a camera for all of you! Thank you very much!
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    That I would have loved to have seen
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    That I would have loved to have seen
    Replying for Brett since he can't use his hands, you guys turned them into stumps. You wouldn't have seen much there was a really big flash and BOOM! Anthony/armaes8 said something along the line of boom schaka lacka, but its more like boom cripple cripple.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    Lol, poor guy is going to be a vegtable at this rate. You guys deserved it, so enjoy. Looking forward to our next skype meeting.
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Posts: 3,409 ✭✭✭
    That I would have loved to have seen
    Replying for Brett since he can't use his hands, you guys turned them into stumps. You wouldn't have seen much there was a really big flash and BOOM! Anthony/armaes8 said something along the line of boom schaka lacka, but its more like boom cripple cripple.
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    That I would have loved to have seen
    Priceless picture it would have been, for everything else there MC
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Asking for pics? Let me be the first.... the first five are of the package as it was being loaded. I apologize for the Jiunn-like qualities of the pics - I was actually trembling at the magnitude of this thing, and I aint even gonna try to lie or front about it!






    And this final pic is to give you some idea of the magnitude of this monster. The completed package, sitting next to the 48qt coolidor I stored the donations in. As you can see, the sizes are VERY similar...


    I will leave it to Brett and Amanda to give some additional pictures of the carnage. Once Brett gets back from the hospital that is. And figures out how to work a camera and keyboard with his stumps. :-)

    AJ, that was a DIRTY trick young lady! Flinging fruit about is one thing, but this??? And you claim you love the man... LOL

  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    And to Brett and Amanda directly, here is the explanation I promised you in the letter. After your herf a while back with armaes, he was SO impressed and blown away by both of you his heart sang. He was also a bit heavy in the heart regarding the circumstances you two have endured together. Combining the two, I got the following pm from him soon after your herf...

    Glen, I will be away from the computer untill tomarrow. But I wanted to run this by you. Not sure how to do with without the 90+Irishman finding out. Not sure if you read in the threads but we met face to face yesterday. And I have to tell you he spoke highly of you. This guy is just a kid (just turned 24) and he works his ass off. He did a ton of work for the bar we met at and didnt ask for a penny. He works two jobs, and is trying to buy a house. He learned all about sticks from his pop, and gramps. And I know he has appreciation for them. It sounds like he and his new wife have gone through some tough times (financialy and got bits and pieces of his health situation). He told me that he hasn't been able to purchase any new sticks in months, but this guy knows his stuff. I just pulled the trigger (meaning I purchesed a fattio stash) listed below. I know I'm a newb, but I want to secretly organize a serious BOMB. and I mean BOMB! for this kid. I think he needs it and deserves it. I am going to to get my good buddy Noah invoved (ndhaon91) he will be out of town for a week so I figure that would give us some time to round up the troops to drop WW3 on the Irishman. His wife loves the flavored sticks, I don't have much knowlege there. so we may need some help, we shouldn't leave her out of this either. I'm a high school teacher at a Jesuit High school, our motto is "MEN for OTHERS" Let hook this guy up. are you on board? if im outta my element let me know and I can wait till I get 1000 post. I figure you only love once.
    Now then, when armaes sent me this pm he was still well under 100 posts if memory serves right. He wanted to do something great for you two, but was unsure 1) how to go about it, and 2) what the response would be to a sub-100-post noob asking for donations. After kicking ideas around, he asked if I would be willing to put up the post and organize the bomb in his name - which after reading the pm above I was more than willing to do. So you see, this was really none of my doing at all - it was all from the kindness of Antonio's heart, period. I was simply a means to the end, and a happy one at that to be included in such a gracious gesture.

    As I got pm's asking what I was up to, I replied and included armaes' pm to me in each and every one when I explained the situation. As you can see the response was overwhelming, and LITERALLY came from all over the globe! How cool is that??? And all of it owes to how highly you both are held in the eyes and hearts of this community. THATS even cooler. :-)

    To all who read this post, big props should go to armaes. For Antonio to even want to make a gesture like this, particularly being so new to the forums, is about as laudable and commendable as it gets. Putting the happiness of others ahead of your own is one of the staples of this community, and armaes in my humble opinion not only embraces it, but his example of it by this gesture could be considered the epitome of it. What a great new addition to our little family!

    And finally, to all who contributed to this amazing bombing mission - you are also to be lauded. Where it not for your own generosity and caring, this mission had NO CHANCE of success. Armaes conceived it, I facilitated it, but YOU made it happen, point blank. YOU made one of the most generous ideas in my time on the forums come to life as a HUGE success, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing so. This community continues to humble me and make me want to be as good a member and person as I can to live up to the standards set here by all the great members. And I thank you for that as well.

    Mission accomplished.

    Sniper OUT

  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for arranging this Antonio, and thank you for allowing me to participate!
  • MVW67MVW67 Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
    Yes thank you Glen, for coordinating this it was my pleasure to help, and thanks to Antonio!!!!
    Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Posts: 3,409 ✭✭✭
    Absolutely awesome!!!! So glad I was able to participate! Thanks to Antonio and Glen, as well as the rest of the BOTL's!!! Proud to be a member of such a great family!!!
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    This was just awesome! Antonio, bravo to you for bringing this to the attention of a well established member of the forum. Thanks to Glen for taking up this wonderful cause, as well. And to everyone involved in contributing, you are all stand up guys. Brett is easily one of my most favoritest peoples on this forum (yeah, I needed to make up words to express this). I couldn't be happier for him given the outrageous bad luck lately. Also, I'm going to need someone to pm me Antonio's address. Not only did he start this, but he's a teacher!
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Thanks for including me in this one Antonio and Glen.
  • IrishAJIrishAJ Posts: 135
    The Sniper:
    And to Brett and Amanda directly, here is the explanation I promised you in the letter. After your herf a while back with armaes, he was SO impressed and blown away by both of you his heart sang. He was also a bit heavy in the heart regarding the circumstances you two have endured together. Combining the two, I got the following pm from him soon after your herf...

    Glen, I will be away from the computer untill tomarrow. But I wanted to run this by you. Not sure how to do with without the 90+Irishman finding out. Not sure if you read in the threads but we met face to face yesterday. And I have to tell you he spoke highly of you. This guy is just a kid (just turned 24) and he works his ass off. He did a ton of work for the bar we met at and didnt ask for a penny. He works two jobs, and is trying to buy a house. He learned all about sticks from his pop, and gramps. And I know he has appreciation for them. It sounds like he and his new wife have gone through some tough times (financialy and got bits and pieces of his health situation). He told me that he hasn't been able to purchase any new sticks in months, but this guy knows his stuff. I just pulled the trigger (meaning I purchesed a fattio stash) listed below. I know I'm a newb, but I want to secretly organize a serious BOMB. and I mean BOMB! for this kid. I think he needs it and deserves it. I am going to to get my good buddy Noah invoved (ndhaon91) he will be out of town for a week so I figure that would give us some time to round up the troops to drop WW3 on the Irishman. His wife loves the flavored sticks, I don't have much knowlege there. so we may need some help, we shouldn't leave her out of this either. I'm a high school teacher at a Jesuit High school, our motto is "MEN for OTHERS" Let hook this guy up. are you on board? if im outta my element let me know and I can wait till I get 1000 post. I figure you only love once.
    Now then, when armaes sent me this pm he was still well under 100 posts if memory serves right. He wanted to do something great for you two, but was unsure 1) how to go about it, and 2) what the response would be to a sub-100-post noob asking for donations. After kicking ideas around, he asked if I would be willing to put up the post and organize the bomb in his name - which after reading the pm above I was more than willing to do. So you see, this was really none of my doing at all - it was all from the kindness of Antonio's heart, period. I was simply a means to the end, and a happy one at that to be included in such a gracious gesture.

    As I got pm's asking what I was up to, I replied and included armaes' pm to me in each and every one when I explained the situation. As you can see the response was overwhelming, and LITERALLY came from all over the globe! How cool is that??? And all of it owes to how highly you both are held in the eyes and hearts of this community. THATS even cooler. :-)

    To all who read this post, big props should go to armaes. For Antonio to even want to make a gesture like this, particularly being so new to the forums, is about as laudable and commendable as it gets. Putting the happiness of others ahead of your own is one of the staples of this community, and armaes in my humble opinion not only embraces it, but his example of it by this gesture could be considered the epitome of it. What a great new addition to our little family!

    And finally, to all who contributed to this amazing bombing mission - you are also to be lauded. Where it not for your own generosity and caring, this mission had NO CHANCE of success. Armaes conceived it, I facilitated it, but YOU made it happen, point blank. YOU made one of the most generous ideas in my time on the forums come to life as a HUGE success, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing so. This community continues to humble me and make me want to be as good a member and person as I can to live up to the standards set here by all the great members. And I thank you for that as well.

    Mission accomplished.

    Sniper OUT

    There are a few times in a man's life that firmly and unmistakably set him down and make him reflect on what is, was, and will be..... this by all means was one of those. I've been a member here for a while now and been involved in and witness to some amazing acts of kindness, generosity, and truly stand-up gestures..... this is one that completely took me by surprise and knocked me flat on my azz.

    I am sitting here in the garage working on getting the cars running again typing this and reflecting on what happened yesterday and the past weeks and finding it hard to piece together the right words to convey the feeling, emotions, and thoughts that have been in my head and I'm coming up short. Thank you seems so plain of a gesture and pales in comparison to the gratitude I feel for the people involved and the community as a whole. I wish I could show all of you how very deeply this touched Amanda and myself and convey how truly humbled I am by this outrageous show of love and generosity, but I simply can't. All I can do is say that I am HONORED that y'all think so highly of myself and my wife and have never been so humbled in my entire life. I've never felt that I've done anything on here worthy of such praise or kindness, I've simply done what so so many others have by sharing the passion, knowledge, and cigars that I hold so deeply in my heart. The cigar community and culture is much more than just a hobby or even a passion to me; as silly and misguided as it may sound it is much more like a religion to me. Something to learn and live by with the ideals that run rampant here on this forum everyday; humility, generosity, kindness, respect, and admiration. There are far too many mentors that I've had on Ccom to list everyone of them but I would like to take this opportunity to name a few; as I've said I can't possibly list them all since every member new or old is an inspiration and mentor to me in their own way. Glen (Sniper), Todd (Bandyt09), Todd (BigT06), Dan (Toombes), Greg (Greg2648), Brian (Medic45), Antonio (Armaes8), Doug (Laker1963), Justin (JHewey), Wes (Wwestern), Mike (MVW), Eric (CvilleE), Rudy (The Kid), Rick (RCY Cigars), Noak (Ndhaon), Dennis (Dennis King), Steve (steve2010), James (Marine), Ken (Ken Light) and so so many others..... You all have been incredible brothers, human beings, and most importantly friends that have helped to guide me, tutor me and encourage through all the times I've been here. The support and kindness that you all show is unparalleled and has helped both Amanda and I through some dark and difficult times. All of you I am proud and fortunate enough to call my friends, and I will ALWAYS be there for each and every one of you should any of you ever need anything! I will continue to do what I have always done, be there to support and enjoy this passion that brought us all together and will remember this gesture and act for the rest of my life, thank you to each and every one of you.

    Antonio, I spoke to you yesterday shortly after this HHD (Holy-Hand Grenade) demolished the Boulder County area of Colorado to express my thanks and gratitude, but I wanted to take this opportunity to show you once again. The kindness and incredible human being you are has so completely humbled me that it quite literally brought me to tears yesterday.... I have never been so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family around as I have this past few years between my new friends and family on this forum and my incredible new bride; thank you for being such a giant part of that kindness and show of support. YOU my friend are a man among men, and something that not only I aspire to, but what we should all aspire to. Thank you brother, I will always have your back.

    - Most Sincere Thanks and Humility,
    Irish AKA Brett Jarman
  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Sniper:
    And to Brett and Amanda directly, here is the explanation I promised you in the letter. After your herf a while back with armaes, he was SO impressed and blown away by both of you his heart sang. He was also a bit heavy in the heart regarding the circumstances you two have endured together. Combining the two, I got the following pm from him soon after your herf...

    Glen, I will be away from the computer untill tomarrow. But I wanted to run this by you. Not sure how to do with without the 90+Irishman finding out. Not sure if you read in the threads but we met face to face yesterday. And I have to tell you he spoke highly of you. This guy is just a kid (just turned 24) and he works his ass off. He did a ton of work for the bar we met at and didnt ask for a penny. He works two jobs, and is trying to buy a house. He learned all about sticks from his pop, and gramps. And I know he has appreciation for them. It sounds like he and his new wife have gone through some tough times (financialy and got bits and pieces of his health situation). He told me that he hasn't been able to purchase any new sticks in months, but this guy knows his stuff. I just pulled the trigger (meaning I purchesed a fattio stash) listed below. I know I'm a newb, but I want to secretly organize a serious BOMB. and I mean BOMB! for this kid. I think he needs it and deserves it. I am going to to get my good buddy Noah invoved (ndhaon91) he will be out of town for a week so I figure that would give us some time to round up the troops to drop WW3 on the Irishman. His wife loves the flavored sticks, I don't have much knowlege there. so we may need some help, we shouldn't leave her out of this either. I'm a high school teacher at a Jesuit High school, our motto is "MEN for OTHERS" Let hook this guy up. are you on board? if im outta my element let me know and I can wait till I get 1000 post. I figure you only love once.
    Now then, when armaes sent me this pm he was still well under 100 posts if memory serves right. He wanted to do something great for you two, but was unsure 1) how to go about it, and 2) what the response would be to a sub-100-post noob asking for donations. After kicking ideas around, he asked if I would be willing to put up the post and organize the bomb in his name - which after reading the pm above I was more than willing to do. So you see, this was really none of my doing at all - it was all from the kindness of Antonio's heart, period. I was simply a means to the end, and a happy one at that to be included in such a gracious gesture.

    As I got pm's asking what I was up to, I replied and included armaes' pm to me in each and every one when I explained the situation. As you can see the response was overwhelming, and LITERALLY came from all over the globe! How cool is that??? And all of it owes to how highly you both are held in the eyes and hearts of this community. THATS even cooler. :-)

    To all who read this post, big props should go to armaes. For Antonio to even want to make a gesture like this, particularly being so new to the forums, is about as laudable and commendable as it gets. Putting the happiness of others ahead of your own is one of the staples of this community, and armaes in my humble opinion not only embraces it, but his example of it by this gesture could be considered the epitome of it. What a great new addition to our little family!

    And finally, to all who contributed to this amazing bombing mission - you are also to be lauded. Where it not for your own generosity and caring, this mission had NO CHANCE of success. Armaes conceived it, I facilitated it, but YOU made it happen, point blank. YOU made one of the most generous ideas in my time on the forums come to life as a HUGE success, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing so. This community continues to humble me and make me want to be as good a member and person as I can to live up to the standards set here by all the great members. And I thank you for that as well.

    Mission accomplished.

    Sniper OUT

    There are a few times in a man's life that firmly and unmistakably set him down and make him reflect on what is, was, and will be..... this by all means was one of those. I've been a member here for a while now and been involved in and witness to some amazing acts of kindness, generosity, and truly stand-up gestures..... this is one that completely took me by surprise and knocked me flat on my azz.

    I am sitting here in the garage working on getting the cars running again typing this and reflecting on what happened yesterday and the past weeks and finding it hard to piece together the right words to convey the feeling, emotions, and thoughts that have been in my head and I'm coming up short. Thank you seems so plain of a gesture and pales in comparison to the gratitude I feel for the people involved and the community as a whole. I wish I could show all of you how very deeply this touched Amanda and myself and convey how truly humbled I am by this outrageous show of love and generosity, but I simply can't. All I can do is say that I am HONORED that y'all think so highly of myself and my wife and have never been so humbled in my entire life. I've never felt that I've done anything on here worthy of such praise or kindness, I've simply done what so so many others have by sharing the passion, knowledge, and cigars that I hold so deeply in my heart. The cigar community and culture is much more than just a hobby or even a passion to me; as silly and misguided as it may sound it is much more like a religion to me. Something to learn and live by with the ideals that run rampant here on this forum everyday; humility, generosity, kindness, respect, and admiration. There are far too many mentors that I've had on Ccom to list everyone of them but I would like to take this opportunity to name a few; as I've said I can't possibly list them all since every member new or old is an inspiration and mentor to me in their own way. Glen (Sniper), Todd (Bandyt09), Todd (BigT06), Dan (Toombes), Greg (Greg2648), Brian (Medic45), Antonio (Armaes8), Doug (Laker1963), Justin (JHewey), Wes (Wwestern), Mike (MVW), Eric (CvilleE), Rudy (The Kid), Rick (RCY Cigars), Noak (Ndhaon), Dennis (Dennis King), Steve (steve2010), James (Marine), Ken (Ken Light) and so so many others..... You all have been incredible brothers, human beings, and most importantly friends that have helped to guide me, tutor me and encourage through all the times I've been here. The support and kindness that you all show is unparalleled and has helped both Amanda and I through some dark and difficult times. All of you I am proud and fortunate enough to call my friends, and I will ALWAYS be there for each and every one of you should any of you ever need anything! I will continue to do what I have always done, be there to support and enjoy this passion that brought us all together and will remember this gesture and act for the rest of my life, thank you to each and every one of you.

    Antonio, I spoke to you yesterday shortly after this HHD (Holy-Hand Grenade) demolished the Boulder County area of Colorado to express my thanks and gratitude, but I wanted to take this opportunity to show you once again. The kindness and incredible human being you are has so completely humbled me that it quite literally brought me to tears yesterday.... I have never been so fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family around as I have this past few years between my new friends and family on this forum and my incredible new bride; thank you for being such a giant part of that kindness and show of support. YOU my friend are a man among men, and something that not only I aspire to, but what we should all aspire to. Thank you brother, I will always have your back.

    - Most Sincere Thanks and Humility,
    Irish AKA Brett Jarman
    Sorry, didn't realize Amanda's account was logged in when I posted this, but that was me (Brett) posting not my wife ;)
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Posts: 2,670 ✭✭✭
    No need to thank any of us brother, we will get satisfaction out of knowing that you can smoke yourself retarded. Now let that commence. Seriously, just enjoy bro.
  • WhoDeyGalWhoDeyGal Posts: 727 ✭✭
    Brett, your post brought tears to my eyes. I see exactly why everyone genuinely cares about you after reading that post.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    We're just scared Mrs Irish with throw pinapples at our jewels
  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Brett, your post brought tears to my eyes. I see exactly why everyone genuinely cares about you after reading that post.
    Thank you for the kind words Nikki, means a lot it really does ;)
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • 90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
    We're just scared Mrs Irish with throw pinapples at our jewels
    She always has at least 2 frozen XL Pineapples on hand at all times just in case LMAO!
    "When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."
  • DirewolfDirewolf Posts: 3,493
    90+ Irishman:
    We're just scared Mrs Irish with throw pinapples at our jewels
    She always has at least 2 frozen XL Pineapples on hand at all times just in case LMAO!
    What she gonna use when Jiunn (like the month) pisses her off?
  • ToombesToombes Posts: 4,506 ✭✭✭
    90+ Irishman:
    We're just scared Mrs Irish with throw pinapples at our jewels
    She always has at least 2 frozen XL Pineapples on hand at all times just in case LMAO!
    What she gonna use when Jiunn (like the month) pisses her off?

    Frozen kumquats or lichi would be my guess...
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    90+ Irishman:
    We're just scared Mrs Irish with throw pinapples at our jewels
    She always has at least 2 frozen XL Pineapples on hand at all times just in case LMAO!
    What she gonna use when Jiunn (like the month) pisses her off?

    Frozen kumquats or lichi would be my guess...

    HAHAHAHAAH I think frozen BOBA! you know like you get a Pho67,Pho87,Pho93,Pho89, Pho104, and my favorite Pho22. Yup that's it Frozen BOBA pellets for Jiunn(like the Bug)
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