
Man, I must be behind the times on technology, because I was absolutely blown away a couple of hours ago.
Let me give a little precursor to this whole story. A few weeks ago, I saw Final Fantasy 3 for DS. My wife has a DS, so I picked it up for nostalga, because I used to love that game. So, whenever I go out to smoke, I have been grabbing the DS and playing it (awesome game to pay while smoking, requires very little interaction and not too much attention). So, the wifey has been bugging me to get my own DS so I will leave hers alone. Okay, that brings us to today.
So we go to GameStop and I pick up one of the new DSi's. After I got it home and flipped through the manual, I saw it was wifi capable. I assumed this was for leaderboards or maybe online game play at most. Well, after getting it connected to our wireless network (very easy set-up by the way), I went into the menus and saw downloads. In that section, there was a free download for a web browser. I downloaded it, and sure enough, full internet surfing capabilities. I even went online and ordered some cigars, from my Gameboy.
This stuff blows me away. I remember, what seems like not that long ago, when I first saw a Gameboy, that big ass gray rectangle with the mono-chromatic screen, and I was just amazed that it played video games without needing a TV, and you could carry it around with you! Now, I can go on the internet and buy things, look up world news, check my email or MySpace, or pretty much anything else I want to (even post on this forum, if I felt like typing with the stylus) on my Gameboy. Its ridiculous how quickly technology is advancing.
Let me give a little precursor to this whole story. A few weeks ago, I saw Final Fantasy 3 for DS. My wife has a DS, so I picked it up for nostalga, because I used to love that game. So, whenever I go out to smoke, I have been grabbing the DS and playing it (awesome game to pay while smoking, requires very little interaction and not too much attention). So, the wifey has been bugging me to get my own DS so I will leave hers alone. Okay, that brings us to today.
So we go to GameStop and I pick up one of the new DSi's. After I got it home and flipped through the manual, I saw it was wifi capable. I assumed this was for leaderboards or maybe online game play at most. Well, after getting it connected to our wireless network (very easy set-up by the way), I went into the menus and saw downloads. In that section, there was a free download for a web browser. I downloaded it, and sure enough, full internet surfing capabilities. I even went online and ordered some cigars, from my Gameboy.
This stuff blows me away. I remember, what seems like not that long ago, when I first saw a Gameboy, that big ass gray rectangle with the mono-chromatic screen, and I was just amazed that it played video games without needing a TV, and you could carry it around with you! Now, I can go on the internet and buy things, look up world news, check my email or MySpace, or pretty much anything else I want to (even post on this forum, if I felt like typing with the stylus) on my Gameboy. Its ridiculous how quickly technology is advancing.
lol, I know what you two mean. Though recently Japan made a robot that can climb stairs which is certainly a leap in technology. I mean 8 cores on a little chip (yeah not out yet for the public but will be very soon). Btw jetty, have you ever worked on a F-22 raptor? I doubt it since your in the Navy but even though I love the 18's them Raptors are a work of art. I was down at Sheppard AFB a few years ago and got to get a tour of a squadron and even got to sit in the cockpit. Fantastic planes.
Me: _____ Customer Services, this is Joe.
Idiot: Hello, my computer doesn't seem to be working. It was working fine five minutes ago, but when I turned on the wireless internet, it stopped working.
(Insert troubleshooting here for five or six minutes.)
Idiot: Wait, should I unplug the computer before or after I turn on the wireless.
Me: It shouldn't matter when you disconnect the ethernet cable.
Idiot: What about the power, though?
yeah, anyone else love reading user manuals? I mean when I get a new piece of equipment(i.e. Soundboard, Camera, PDA, router, computer, etc) that's the first things I do....Read the user manual. I'd hate to pay someone because I wasn't willing to read and try things.
I've got so many stories about customers that I wouldn't know where to start. I once had a customer who bought a new monitor when I was a tech at CompUSA back in 1999. She called complaining that the thing wouldn't turn on. She had it all connected. When I asked if she plugged the power into the wall so look and said "Oh!". That was the end of that. I also fought with Dell home techs that told me that they didn't believe that hardware was bad even though it failed their own diags and my own diags! I told them that they shouldn't be techs and I wanted to speak with their supervisor.