Got my fuel in today. Xicar Butane.... Bled the lighter, filled her up (the lighter), and then fired it up.... this is the craptacular mess I am dealing with. Why is this happening.... NO TORCH.... Its like a $60 bic! I followed the directions to the T.
Not normal?
What kind of Xikar lighter is that anyway?
I thought the same and asked my wife, who bought it for me. She went back to the site and receipt and its SUPPOSED to be a torch.
That would explain the strange borealis-type light show I noticed earlier!
Anyone know a good roofer?
Yea... Im done. Off to the local Xicar dealer tomorrow. I will trade it for the Liga. I guess the 101 isnt being produced anymore.
How come everyone else gets the cool stuff? ROFL!!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
that flame is WAY better than a bic (your original photo)
its windproof.
your Bic isnt that.