2000 post Came and Went!!
Posts: 5,592 ✭✭✭✭
Was busy over the weekend and didn't notice getting close to the 2K mark!! So after doig a little recon this morning on some of the threads that I have missed and getting ready to launch some thingsss!!!!!!!! (BTW nothing to do with the 2K posts) 2000+ posts who new?? Will think of something and get going this week for that!!!! Wanted to take this moment to thank ALL OF YOU BOTLS this is a great forum and would like to tell you that if I have had Dealings with you Thanks again!!!!!And If Not perhaps you will be hearing from me in the future!!!! the Near Fututre!!!
Life is too short, live it like no tomorrow...
I always enjoy your posts, and I especially like seeing the destruction you cause to the unsuspecting BOTL's mailboxes....
Cheers to reaching 2000, and to 2000 more!
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
(I figure it's safer to be kinda humble around this fellow, guys. Jus' sayin'.....). :-)