Problem - What's that smell?

My wife gave me a box of the My Father coronas for father's day. Since I'm low on room I just put the box in a ziploc freezer bag with a couple of humi pouches, put my hygro in there to make sure the RH was okay, then left it alone for a few days. Last night I went to take my hygro out to put back in the desktop humi and noticed a VERY pungent chemical smell in the ziploc. The smell reminds me of a strong glue or something.
To round down the problem I took everything out of the ziploc and left it alone for a while and checked back and no smell. After that I added just the humi pouches in a ziploc, came back later and no smell. I then took two ziplocs, removed the sticks from the box, placed the cigars in one ziploc by themselves, then the box by itself in the other. Now when I check both of those ziplocs have that chemical smell, tho though the bag with just the cigars seems to smell a little stronger.
Anyone know what would cause this? I hope these sticks aren't ruined.
To round down the problem I took everything out of the ziploc and left it alone for a while and checked back and no smell. After that I added just the humi pouches in a ziploc, came back later and no smell. I then took two ziplocs, removed the sticks from the box, placed the cigars in one ziploc by themselves, then the box by itself in the other. Now when I check both of those ziplocs have that chemical smell, tho though the bag with just the cigars seems to smell a little stronger.
Anyone know what would cause this? I hope these sticks aren't ruined.
But would you consider it to be like a paint/lacquer smell??
The reason I ask is because......
The 1 and only MF box I've ever purchased had a very, and I mean very, strongy lacquer/paint smell to it when I got it.
I took the cigars out, put them in the humi and then let the box "air out" on the counter for a week and a half.
The paint smell from the box "mostly" went away but I've had the box 6+ months and still notice a faint smell of paint if I put my nose right next to it.
And as far as the cigars from my box, I never noticed a smell on them and never noticed flavor problems while smoking...
So hopefully yours will be fine as well.
I know y'all use baking soda and newspaper to get the "plastic smell" out of coolidors...
Maybe someone could chime in on if it would be safe to put either of these items in with the sticks to help absorb the smell; that should work, (at least in theory) right?
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Never understood why they would not be cured properly. Cost, time or what?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I dont know if, left unattended for extended periods of time, this would have a negative effect on the sticks or not... I suppose that one will have to be addressed by Professor Kuzi or one of the many other BOTL around here smarter than me on such things. ;-)
Thanks guys, for now I'm just keeping them isolated and airing them out frequently.