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Perfect Pairings; Cigars and Expectant Fatherhood

90+_Irishman90+_Irishman Posts: 12,409 ✭✭✭✭✭
Well this thread will be my daily/weekly update thread for the multiplying Irish lol. This is where I'll post updates on progress, Amanda's health, and my cigar pairings for special days and occasions. Yesterday we picked up a few pregnancy books from the Library and set up the first prenatal OB visit and ultrasound for the 17th. Yesterday had a big cigar day to celebrate, and doing the same thing this evening with Pops while I sit down with a Padron Family Reserve 45th Anniversary Maduro and a glass of Shiraz. Here are a few pics from yesterdays cigar fest lol ;)

I'd like to make a huge call out and thank you to Brett (Firetruckguy) for the absolutely marvelous Cohiba, my first CC Cohiba of all time, Mike Tuccelli for the stupendous Carlos Torano Exodus 1959 Silver Band Robusto which was truly one of the best constructed and burning cigars I've yet to come across with amazing caramel and woody notes that were excellent! Also to a local brother and friend Tom for the Skull and Bones Fall 2011 Release Mystery short torpedo box press. Last but certainly not least I'd like to thank Antonio (Armaes8) for the killer LaDC Mi Amor Short Torpedo Box Press as well since it was a brilliant smoke and a start to a perfect morning ;) Thanks everyone! image













"When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them."


  • Ken_LightKen_Light Posts: 3,537 ✭✭✭
    Looks like an amazing day and one more than well-deserved, my friend. So the big question: which comes first, baby irish or 10k posts? :D
    ^Troll: DO NOT FEED.
  • VisionVision Posts: 8,246 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am right there with you my man. Due date for us is Aug 9th. I have been picking up sticks I will be smoking on and after his arrival. I really only have two so far... God of Fire Robusto and AF Between the Lines. Congrats on LIL Irish!!!!!
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congrats guys. My wife and I are expecting our third and last child. Due date is December 25th. I will be keeping an eye on this threa for sure.
  • armaes8armaes8 Posts: 279
    looks like you had a nice day with the leaf! You are gonna be a great dad! I'm already looking for childrens books that tell stories about cigar rollers!
  • VisionVision Posts: 8,246 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This should be an official new dad thread. I know I will be updating once my little man is here.
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