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Storage Options

xxavxxxxavxx Posts: 2
Hello everyone,

I'm a new cigar smoker having only smoked 3 cigars this year. I'd like to invest a little more into this hobby but I realize I won't smoke often (probably 3 to 4 times a month). I'm trying to decide what would be the best option for storage and maintaining freshness of the cigars considering I won't be buying them in large quantities probably 2 to 3 at a time. I'm looking for some sort of storage that would allow me to hold cigars for 2-3 weeks at a time without breaking the bank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • VisionVision Posts: 9,237 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would say 100ct humi or a cooler. There are a few threads on coolidors here. Cigarsprintsale.com has humi's once in a while cheap.
  • leonardleonard Posts: 359
    Tupperware. Cheap and easy.
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello everyone, I'm a new cigar smoker having only smoked 3 cigars this year. I'd like to invest a little more into this hobby but I realize I won't smoke often (probably 3 to 4 times a month). I'm trying to decide what would be the best option for storage and maintaining freshness of the cigars considering I won't be buying them in large quantities probably 2 to 3 at a time. I'm looking for some sort of storage that would allow me to hold cigars for 2-3 weeks at a time without breaking the bank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Check your PM (inbox).
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • JZerbyJZerby Posts: 122
    Hello everyone, I'm a new cigar smoker having only smoked 3 cigars this year. I'd like to invest a little more into this hobby but I realize I won't smoke often (probably 3 to 4 times a month). I'm trying to decide what would be the best option for storage and maintaining freshness of the cigars considering I won't be buying them in large quantities probably 2 to 3 at a time. I'm looking for some sort of storage that would allow me to hold cigars for 2-3 weeks at a time without breaking the bank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    Totally don't get something that will only hold that amount. I tried that by buying a 10 count humi. I've been indulging in this hobby for about a year, and I am now sporting a full 50 count and starting a coolerdor to house boxes...and I only smoke about as often as you want to. Start bigger than you think you will need.
  • taythegibstaythegibs Posts: 2,025
    that is how i started out this past winter, and i had a small 16qt cooler with a couple of boxes in it, a gel jar and a digital hygrometer. It did really well until i started going a bit crazy and i stepped it up to a 48qt cooler.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    Tupperware. Cheap and easy.
    dont forget a boveda pack or some other humidification.
    you could have storage for under $15
  • josiahcoljosiahcol Posts: 70
    Welcome to the hobby, be careful you will get addicted hahaha. I reccomend always start with more than you think you will need, i made the mistake when i first started by getting a 20 count humi thinking i would never fill it. Within 6 months it was overflowing and im up to a 150 count now, try to find a good deal on a little bit of a bigger humi. Sprint Sale is good, or even check out if you have any local shops in your area with nice cheap humis to check out.
  • webmostwebmost Posts: 7,713 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hello everyone, I'm a new cigar smoker having only smoked 3 cigars this year. I'd like to invest a little more into this hobby but I realize I won't smoke often (probably 3 to 4 times a month). I'm trying to decide what would be the best option for storage and maintaining freshness of the cigars considering I won't be buying them in large quantities probably 2 to 3 at a time. I'm looking for some sort of storage that would allow me to hold cigars for 2-3 weeks at a time without breaking the bank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    If you are only going to burn one once a week, then how about letting the cigar store do the storage for you? They keep them under careful conditions. We have an awesome store near here, and that's exactly what I did for the better part of a year. Only bought a humi when I decided to roll my own. Good thing I did, because it was about that time these wackdoo BOTLs started bombing me. But when I started, the most I had was a couple of those black plastic cigar tubes, which I would fill at the store. The tubes are handy, crush proof and hermetically sealed.

    If you don't have a store close enough for you to just drop in when you want a smoke, then how about a cigar box? My local store sells empty cigar boxes for a buck a pop. Some real nice cedar boxes. First box I bought was an Acid, because it had a picture of a motorcycle on it. I got that box when a guy had cigar.com send me a sampler for helping him fix his motorcycle; which is how I found out cigar.com even existed; which is how I found this forum last Winter. That box was all I needed. Later I got a Black Market box when a guy had a box of them sent to me for working on his bike. Last box I got was an orange cedar Cusano, because I really like the shape. You can throw what's called a water pillow in a cigar box and keep a dozen sticks in there just fine. Only thing, you don't have a hygrometer, so you don't get to feel scientific.

    If a box is not official enough for you, but you don't want to blow a bundle on a humidor, you can go to cheaphumidors.com and buy from their scratch and dent selection. I bought a hundred count humi with an inlaid cigar leaf in the top for like thirty or forty bucks. The only thing wrong with it was the two sided tape that was supposed to hold the hygrometer in place wasn't sticky. How easy is that to fix. It's a beautiful piece.

    enjoy... you couldn't have landed at a better forum

    “It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)

  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭
    All you need is your device to not give off a scent to ruin your cigars, it to be mostly or all airtight and a humidification device to put in it.

    You could use an old Little Tykes covered wagon if you wanted to, just make sure whatever you use is clean, smell free and that you keep them suckers moist!
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    Small wineador and beads... I regret not going that route. While it may be a tad more expensive, a small 8 bottle and some beads should not be that much more than a cooler or traditonal humi. The smokes are much better IMO
  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    Small wineador and beads... I regret not going that route. While it may be a tad more expensive, a small 8 bottle and some beads should not be that much more than a cooler or traditonal humi. The smokes are much better IMO
    +1. I love my wineador and the cigars burn great. like the as you seen on tv chicken roaster, you can set it and forget it. just kidding. not quite haha. but it's awesome that I can keep it at 65 degrees the entire time.
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That wineador is pretty cool. I wouldn't mind getting something like that, but Momma says my little humidor will have to suffice for quite some time. Nothing like a cool tower humi to put a smile on your face. LOL!
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    Small wineador and beads... I regret not going that route. While it may be a tad more expensive, a small 8 bottle and some beads should not be that much more than a cooler or traditonal humi. The smokes are much better IMO
    +1. I love my wineador and the cigars burn great. like the as you seen on tv chicken roaster, you can set it and forget it. just kidding. not quite haha. but it's awesome that I can keep it at 65 degrees the entire time.
    +another! Love my wineador and got it cheap. But it's for my high ends so it's pretty small lol only a 8 bottle
    Money can't buy taste
  • WaterDemonWaterDemon Posts: 269
    Small wineador and beads... I regret not going that route. While it may be a tad more expensive, a small 8 bottle and some beads should not be that much more than a cooler or traditonal humi. The smokes are much better IMO
    +1. I love my wineador and the cigars burn great. like the as you seen on tv chicken roaster, you can set it and forget it. just kidding. not quite haha. but it's awesome that I can keep it at 65 degrees the entire time.
    +another! Love my wineador and got it cheap. But it's for my high ends so it's pretty small lol only a 8 bottle
    When getting a wineador, which one is good? I heard the thermoelectric is the way to go...but does that have any leak problems? or am I thinking compressor? if there isn't any, do I just throw some beads in there and I'm good?
  • jliujliu Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭
    I picked up a Vinotemp T28. It's a thermoelectric unit. No leak problems. Just need to ensure you plug the drain hole very tight and snug. I use two pounds of 70% beads and it holds steady at 67-68% RH. If you want to know more about compressor units Jason (smokingdaddy) has one. I'm sure he'll see it on here. If not, might be a good idea to shoot him a PM. He helped me A TON with my set up.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    There is a little water build up but I just put a towel down and rigged some computer fans up. But yes beads will work best IMO. You can look it up and get some ideas going and figure out what works for you
    Money can't buy taste
  • WaterDemonWaterDemon Posts: 269
    Ok, I'll do some more research. I hate where I live is why I'm thinking about it, here in Maryland, it gets stupid humid around spring-fall. Also get temps well over 100 degrees for weeks at a time. I love my humidors but I'm thinking if I get a winecooler it will help me regulate my cigars better.
  • Ok, I was you. What I mean by that is your description is me. I smoke maybe one to two cigars a week during the spring, summer, and fall. I don't smoke any during the winter. I know the type of questions you have and some of the thoughts you are having. You first have to ask yourself, smoker or collector? You can be both but there is a big difference. If you truly will only smoke a few times a month it doesn't make sense to have the huge set ups some of these guys have. Something like a 100ct will allow you to pick and choose premium smokes and not need large amounts of storage. A 300 ct would give you a little room to grow.

    You will get some great a device from these guys, this site is fantastic. You will have people tell you all sorts of things, and people will suggest the coolidor route. For me I wanted to display my smokes in nice looking humidors because I know I'm never going to have a huge collection because I won't smoke that much. If you are looking to collect, get involved in trades and passes, bombs, etc, a coolidor is the lower price way to go to keep your smokes safe but store a lot. A winedor is better.

    So collector or smoker? I'd suggest a 100 ct humidor to get you started. Not to expensive but plenty big to keep a beginners smokes safe. Don't be afraid to ask these guys for advice though, they are an amazing group of people! Once I figure out what I am doing I will have to try to pay back my bombers.
  • T.J. ArmstrongT.J. Armstrong Posts: 256
    I picked up a Vinotemp T28. It's a thermoelectric unit. No leak problems. Just need to ensure you plug the drain hole very tight and snug. I use two pounds of 70% beads and it holds steady at 67-68% RH. If you want to know more about compressor units Jason (smokingdaddy) has one. I'm sure he'll see it on here. If not, might be a good idea to shoot him a PM. He helped me A TON with my set up.

    There you go again Juinn, talking about snuggin' up a drain hole. You dirty bird! Jason, did he ask you to help him with his drain hole?

    Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack a productive conversation with my dirtiness, but hell, someone was going to. :-)
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok, I was you. What I mean by that is your description is me. I smoke maybe one to two cigars a week during the spring, summer, and fall. I don't smoke any during the winter. I know the type of questions you have and some of the thoughts you are having. You first have to ask yourself, smoker or collector? You can be both but there is a big difference. If you truly will only smoke a few times a month it doesn't make sense to have the huge set ups some of these guys have. Something like a 100ct will allow you to pick and choose premium smokes and not need large amounts of storage. A 300 ct would give you a little room to grow.

    You will get some great a device from these guys, this site is fantastic. You will have people tell you all sorts of things, and people will suggest the coolidor route. For me I wanted to display my smokes in nice looking humidors because I know I'm never going to have a huge collection because I won't smoke that much. If you are looking to collect, get involved in trades and passes, bombs, etc, a coolidor is the lower price way to go to keep your smokes safe but store a lot. A winedor is better.

    So collector or smoker? I'd suggest a 100 ct humidor to get you started. Not to expensive but plenty big to keep a beginners smokes safe. Don't be afraid to ask these guys for advice though, they are an amazing group of people! Once I figure out what I am doing I will have to try to pay back my bombers.
    Oh duck you will be learning the hard way lol
    Money can't buy taste
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    Ok, I was you. What I mean by that is your description is me. I smoke maybe one to two cigars a week during the spring, summer, and fall. I don't smoke any during the winter. I know the type of questions you have and some of the thoughts you are having. You first have to ask yourself, smoker or collector? You can be both but there is a big difference. If you truly will only smoke a few times a month it doesn't make sense to have the huge set ups some of these guys have. Something like a 100ct will allow you to pick and choose premium smokes and not need large amounts of storage. A 300 ct would give you a little room to grow.

    You will get some great a device from these guys, this site is fantastic. You will have people tell you all sorts of things, and people will suggest the coolidor route. For me I wanted to display my smokes in nice looking humidors because I know I'm never going to have a huge collection because I won't smoke that much. If you are looking to collect, get involved in trades and passes, bombs, etc, a coolidor is the lower price way to go to keep your smokes safe but store a lot. A winedor is better.

    So collector or smoker? I'd suggest a 100 ct humidor to get you started. Not to expensive but plenty big to keep a beginners smokes safe. Don't be afraid to ask these guys for advice though, they are an amazing group of people! Once I figure out what I am doing I will have to try to pay back my bombers.
    Oh duck you will be learning the hard way lol
    Bombing that is
    Money can't buy taste
  • xxavxxxxavxx Posts: 2
    I appreciate all of the feedback. For the time being I've been using a tupperware dish with a humidpak pouch to store the 4 cigars I currently have. I'm thinking I will move to a small humidor soon as I've seen some deals for infused and smaller cigars that I'd like to try. My follow-up question would be, for infused cigars do I need to store them separately from the other cigars that aren't? Thanks in advance.
  • jadeltjadelt Posts: 763 ✭✭
    Might want to check this out.......... great cigars and humi...... great price from ccom http://www.cigar.com/cigars/viewcigar.asp?brand=1010
  • WaterDemonWaterDemon Posts: 269
    What are some good brands for Thermoelectric Wine fridges?
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Posts: 7,000 ✭✭✭
    What are some good brands for Thermoelectric Wine fridges?
    Vinotemp seems to get good reviews, check out amazon
  • TheedgeTheedge Posts: 316
    The problem with having only a few cigars, as I see it, is you're not giving them enough time to rest. Most of us like to rest cigars 6 months to a year I believe. If you're only going to smoke 4 a month - you should at least have 48 sticks in rotation. I hate to smoke anything I haven't had for a year.....which I'm failing at currently :(

    It's also incredibly expensive to buy singles.
  • WaterDemonWaterDemon Posts: 269
    What are some good brands for Thermoelectric Wine fridges?
    Vinotemp seems to get good reviews, check out amazon
    Will do, I might have to persue this soon as I'm about to lose all room in my humidors.
  • RhamlinRhamlin Posts: 9,071 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think pretty much everybody here started of only smoking 2-3 a month or less. But as you go along and try new stuff you want to try more new stuff. Next thing you know that 20 count just don't cut it anymore. And believe me that happens fast. If your wanting to go elcheapo just start out with Tupperware and boveda packs. Eventually you'll probably find yourself looking for a cooler.
  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭
    Don't know if this has been said yet, but seems like Cigar of the Month Club may be good for you as well. Let them store them for you and send you something to try each month!!!
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