brothers and sisters i have a confession

the first step is to admit i have a problem. little does my wife know i discovered internet cigar buying recently having only purchased from the local b&m. i have spent into the 4 figures in the last couple weeks. i think the daily packages are giving me away. i know i can't be the first person to fall off the wagon hard. i think i need a couple shoulders to lean on. haha jeep
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
On the other hand, she somehow knows when it's a bomb.
It's really bad when they know a lot of the guys' names on the forum.
When the package from Rip showed up, she came in with it and told me it was from Rip.
All she said was, "Oh no. I want to watch you open this thing. This is going to be worth watching." ROFL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Spent too much on cigars? Not necessarily a huge deal, he11, we've ALL done it at some point or another. I say "not necessarily" because everyone's situation is different, but as long as you havent put yourself or your family in a financial bind, I dont think its a big deal.
If you havent, and the wife flips her ****, explain to her that yeah, you know you got carried away but you just LOVE the cigar hobby so much its a little easy to get carried away sometimes. Try to equate it to something she really loves - clothes, tennis, golf, whatever. Then explain to her that "If you came across a deal for X that was 45% off, you'd have to jump on it wouldnt you?" In my experience, there's two things women grasp the concepts of - 1) really loving something (including you) and getting something at a steep discount sale price. LOL
The most important thing is the girl loves you, and if she loves you she wants to see you happy. If she understands how much you love something, she's much more likely to accept, support or tolerate it. Your relationship is much more important than cigars and consider this - if you BS her about something this ridiculous, how can you expect her to be straight with you? :-)
but if it's less than a year, be careful about buying lots of might find yourself sitting on 200-300 cigars you really don't like a year from's a fairly common noob "trap"...............the excitement of scoring good cigars for great prices.........kind of like a hot streak in black-jack............
Me: "Babe, I bought another motorcycle. I'm going to pick it up this weekend."
She: rant rave rant
Me: ""
She: rave rant rave
Me: ""
She (getting nowhere): "So where is this one? Where are you going this time? Don't expect me to drive you."
Me: "Chicago."
... and at this point I walk away. It's essential to have a man cave.
You can't teach a woman not to complain. But you can wear her out, if you try.
This cat JEEP is a beast. He hits hard and often. I just got my end of the noob trade with him and WOW. When I say everyone is a great stick..... i mean.... these are killers! I will post pics asap.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.